Praise the young and they will blossom.
. . . at this season, the blossom is out in full now, there in the west early. It's a plum tree, it looks like apple blossom but it's white, and looking at it, instead of saying "Oh that's nice blossom" ... last week looking at it through the window ...
Gray hairs are death's blossoms.
Not all the buds on a bush will blossom.
Vanity blossoms but bears no fruit.
Grey hairs are death's blossoms.
A dead cherry tree will not blossom.
A strawberry blossom will not moisten dry bread.
Just like a butterfly, I had sprung from my cocoon for the first time. For my risk, I was rewarded with Jacob Bennett." - Laylla Jonson (Beneath the Blossom Tree)
The blossoms seem unusually lovely this year. There were none of the scarlet-and-white-striped curtains that are set up among the blossoming trees so invariably that one has to come to think of them as the attire of cherry blossoms; there were no bus...
That which blossoms must also decay.
A fallen blossom never returns to the branch.
Not all the tree's blossoms will bear fruit.
In winter a fire is better than a muscat blossom.
Apple blossoms are beautiful, but rice dumplings are better.
Most insects are to be found near the blossoms.
The poet Swinburne said that spring begins 'blossom by blossom.
They blossomed, they did not talk about blossoming.
Better an apple pie than apple blossom.
The vase was placed upon my desk, and there were orange-blossoms in it—orange-blossoms, in an English winter!
When he told me he no longer loved me, I fell to my knees.