Blog-based businesses have lower cost structures and are more 'authentic,' and as a result are drawing larger shares of ad budgets.
The problem is that with blogging, the model is publish first, maybe fact-check later. In newspapers, the model is you fact check first and then publish. But those models are merging.
If a book isn’t at least somewhat polarizing, it didn’t say anything of value. [Blog entry - November 1, 2014]
In 1998, I started a blog, something I could control very easily and update at my own whim.
I enjoy reading blogs, but am not interested in having my spurious thoughts out there.
I used to go on all these blogs and all these websites which I really don't like to go and read about at all, and I couldn't care less anymore.
One of my favorite things about playing Avery Jennings on 'Dog With a Blog' is that I get to play a real teenager who deals with everyday issues.
What the Internet's value is that you have access to information but you also have access to every lunatic that's out there that wants to throw up a blog.
In a way, publishing in 2005 was similar to publishing in 1950. Nobody kept blogs; that was still optional. I didn't even have a website then.
I get daily mentions in blogs, I get mentions in Twitter and in different social media... I know that gets books sold.
The process of making a movie has expanded in terms of effort and time for the director, doing commentaries for the DVD for example, finishing deleted scenes so they could be on the DVD, and doing things like a web blog.
If you get people to commit to an email relationship, it's the deepest, most intimate relationship you can have online. Much deeper than Facebook and certainly more intimate than a blog.
'Feed' is about zombies and politics and blogging. It's about how George Romero actually saved the world! It's 'Night Of The Living Dead' meets 'The West Wing.'
Avid readers are the most authentic creatures on the face of the earth, and their hearts and minds are not for sale at any price. "Mysteries for the Inspired Traveler" Goodreads blog
As my blog editor knows all too well, I wasn't all that keen to enter the blogosphere world.
I must be the last person online to have been struck with this realization, but it's amazing how the Internet has empowered hundreds of ordinary people, turning them into little Diane Sawyers and Anderson Coopers as they snap and blog away.
I really, really need some help and advice. I'm scared... I'm scared of my own home, of my own daughter!
We've seen how grassroots journalism by blogs has had an impact at various points politically, as ordinary people have amplified stories that were being ignored by the traditional press.
I have a severe Google Reader habit. I think people will use blog forms and Twitter to contrive fiction.
I have started a new blog W.A.R.(Writers Amongst Readers) for all those writing or reading books. Quotes, excerpts, comments from the world's greatest writers. See robinhawdonblog
I haven't heard of any cases of anti-American blog posts being censored or bloggers encountering consequences for anti-American speech on the web in China.