For me, personally, I grew up watching American heroes and American movies and TV.
Truth will lose its credit, if delivered by a person that has none.
The only thing I ever withheld from the KGB were the names of two agents whom I personally had known and handled and had a particular feeling for.
Anybody who has interacted with me will definitely find me to be a chirpy person.
If I don't direct a movie at some point, I've failed personally.
I'm the kind of person who does not want to be anywhere that I'm not wanted.
Characters don't belong to anyone, not even the person who plays them.
I went through a period when I was rebellious and a mess of a person.
I didn't like the nervous tension of being a public person.
Personal privacy is a closely held American value.
L.A. doesn't have any big personality to me; it's not inspiring.
Jesus modeled true leadership as both personal and hospitable.
To free a person from error is to give, and not to take away.
You must develop personal contacts if you want to be successful.
Everybody winds up kissing the wrong person goodnight.
Astronauts are not superhuman. They lead ordinary lives and have varied personalities.
James Stewart was so kind and considerate and had such personal integrity.
There is no labor a person does that is undignified; if they do it right.
I'm not a person who has people tell me things in parking garages.
In politics, you must let the other person have your way.
Politics has got too personal, too nasty, in Britain, as it has in America.