My grandfather was coloured, my father was Negro, and I am Black.
The process of delving into the black abyss is to me the keenest form of fascination.
There are more myths about Black Wednesday than the Greeks ever created.
I think every group of black guys should have at least one white guy in it.
A black belt is what you prove to be, but also what it means in your heart.
It was necessary, as a black historian, to have a personal agenda.
People think that everyone wears black in France; in fact they all wear grey.
The issue isn't just jobs. Even slaves had jobs. The issue is wages.
If you don't speak out now when it matters, when would it matter for you to speak out?
The internet to me is kind of like a black hole, and I never really go on it.
When Solomon said there was a time and a place for everything he had not encountered the problem of parking his automobile.
The black community has been the foundation of the progressive community in this country for a long time.
But sadly, one of the problems with being on public radio is that people tend to think you're being sincere all the time.
I just have a harder time, I think, feeling close to people without self consciousness.
Prisons are like the concentration camps of our time. So many go in and never come out, and primarily they're black and Latino.
Sonny Black: I like it. I like it big time!
Buggin' Out: Yo, Mookie. Mookie: What? Buggin' Out: Stay Black.
Smiley: [angrily, after Raheem is killed by police] One of the police was Black.
The LeQuint Dickey Mining Co. Employee: [to Django] You're alright for a black fella!
Hans: Give me that little black bottle.
I am fiercely loyal to those willing to put their money where my mouth is.