...There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have the burden of proving it.
Black Skin, White MasksI suppose it's something to do with her black-brained religion not to take care of the body.
Brideshead RevisitedSo easy to go sailing off this road. A wonder more folks didn't. All that space, waiting.
Black Riverstars shine brighter in the blackness of darkness.Cheer up no matter your pains
Bible Faith Nuggets Series Box SetThe scribbled signature black, onto the blinding global white, onto the thick soupy red.
The Book ThiefIn the business world, there is no gray. Either you are black, or you are white-washed.
Business Doctors: Management Consulting Gone WildBecause society would rather we always wore a pretty face, women have been trained to cut off anger.
Nancy Friday