By regulating marijuana, we can put black market drug dealers out of business and eliminate the rebellious allure that attracts young people.
My parents were vegetarians. I'd show up at school, this giant black kid, with none of the cool clothes and a tofu sandwich and celery sticks.
If an election is simply a one-day snapshot of transient mass delusions, then this is not a very noble form of government.
I was pretty much the government's poster boy for what I had done.
Government is necessary for our survival. We need government in order to survive. The Founding Fathers created a special place for government. It is called the Constitution.
I find it very offensive when the government tells me what I can and cannot watch. Censor yourself.
Democratic forms of government are vulnerable to mass prejudice, the so-called tyranny of the majority.
The principal purpose of the Democratic Party is to use the force of government to take property away from the people who earn it and give it to people who do not.
There is nothing quite so depressing as waking up to face a day when you know that you are going to have to deal with a government office or bureaucrat.
Black Americans, no more than white Americans, they do not want more government programs which perpetuate dependency. They don't want to be a colony in a nation.
Yeah, I think it's an absolute disaster that Australia, the government, allowed kangaroo culling.
Ever occur to you why some of us can be this much concerned with animals suffering? Because government is not. Why not? Animals don't vote.
I think health is the outcome of finding a balance and some satisfaction at the table.
But to say that Sarah Palin and the tea party movement is responsible for vandalism or threats is just a way to dismiss the American people and, and their dissatisfaction with this health care bill.
We need to reform the health code so that people are incentivized to buy their own health insurance rather than have to get it through an employer.
I'm hoping someday that some kid, black or white, will hit more home runs than myself. Whoever it is, I'd be pulling for him.
I don't believe in having spaces in the home that don't get used. We pay so much for square footage that to waste it is criminal.
What I am defending is the real rights of women. A woman should have the right to be in the home as a wife and mother.
Your life has to consist of more than 'Black people should unite.' You hope they do, but not twenty-four hours a day.
I was bused to a school in Gerritsen Beach in Brooklyn in 1972. I was one of the first black kids in the history of the school.
In a typical history book, black Americans are mentioned in the context of slavery or civil rights. There's so much more to the story.