He nods, as if to acknowledge that endings are almost always a little sad, even when there is something to look forward to on the other side.
But, how do you know if an ending is truly good for the characters unless you've traveled with them through every page?
But, in her life, nothing was going to happen. Such was the will of God! The future was a dark corridor, and at the far end the door was bolted.
The food chain has victims at both ends: even rapists and murderers need someone to look down on, and kid killers will do nicely.
...There are as many sexes as there are individuals...the seeming neat correspondence between male and female organs is not the end, but the beginning, of sexuality.
Every man's work, pursued steadily, tends in this way to become an end in itself, and so to bridge over the loveless chasms of his life.
Ties to people on the other side of the storm could be severed. Love could bud, then wither and die without a bloom when the storm ended and reality bled back in.
Life is only precious because it ends, kid. Take it from a god. You mortals don't know how lucky you are
How did writing come to me? Like bird’s down on my windowpane, in winter. Just then there rose in the heart a struggle of firebrands, which has, still now, not ended.
The sum of things to be known is inexhaustible, and however long we read, we shall never come to the end of our story-book." ( , 3 October 1892)
But there was nothing but the cold, hard truth that loving someone and being loved back was only the beginning, not the end, of all the pain.
In spite of my suffering, at the thought that I was sure to end up by killing myself, I cried aloud and burst into tears.
Sometimes a "mistake" can end up being the best decision you ever make.
I have loved you all my life, Mal," I whispered through my tears. "There is no end to our story.
It’s almost as if we don’t need to live our lives or feel our feelings at all, because someone already told us what the ending was going to be.
I fear that there will be no neat ending to this, in the manner of the old Greek plays. Where the Gods descend, and all is explained, and tidied away.
I know you have it in you, Guy," Anne said suddenly at the end of a silence, "the capacity to be terribly happy.
A hydrogen atom in a cell at the end of my nose was once part of an elephant's trunk. A carbon atom in my cardiac muscle was once in the tail of a dinosaur.
don't come in . They are found at the end of challenges-ever-met, promises-ever-kept, and tears-ever-wept.
You see, in every story, it’s not about the ending. It’s about the chapters in between and how you make it through them
Despereaux was reading the story out loud to himself. He was reading from the beginning so that he could get to the end...