It's that one thing that you're passionate about, that you end up developing tunnel vision for and everything else tends to fall by the wayside. Passion is appealing and universal.
I don't know what to do with myself between films. I end up doing unhealthy things like shopping or drinking. I'm pretty schizophrenic about it.
We think of infinity as a really big number, but it’s not. It’s endlessness. Endlessness is a really strange idea in a universe that is defined by its endings.
True love will triumph in the end—which may or may not be a lie, but if it is a lie, it's the most beautiful lie we have.
A lot of relationships have ended for me in my 20s, because I knew that eventually those people would wanna settle down and have kids.
I believe that the end of things man-made cannot be very far away - must be near at hand.
John Adams warned of the division of America into two great political parties. Luckily, the parties we ended up with are mediocre at best.
I never read the whole Zen koan – I just skip to the end to find out if the monk attained enlightenment.
Climatologists are all agreed that we'd be lucky to see the end of this century without the world being a totally different place, and being 8 or 9 degrees hotter on average.
Being an artist doesn't start because you're 21, and it doesn't end because you're 51. You are who you are until the day you die.
It comes down to something really simple: Can I visualize myself playing those scenes? If that happens, then I know that I will probably end up doing it.
When you grew up like me and my four brothers, you end up feeling somewhat inadequate, like somehow you don't count.
On the whole, I am on the side of the unregenerate who affirms the worth of life as an end in itself, as against the saints who deny it.
To him who, though by no means near the end, is yet advancing, He is the way; to him who has put off all that is dead He is the life.
One of the Life Saving men snapped the camera for us, taking a picture just as the machine had reached the end of the track and had risen to a height of about two feet.
I try to make all my songs good. I don't ever write one to finish one. A lot of protest songs end up that way, driven by some kind of emotional response.
I don't know if I have a career or not, or where it ends or it begins. I have been working, doing what I do for a long time. But my creative process has always been so tortuous.
I only watch the last 40 seconds. Watching a whole marathon over time, the beginning, middle and end look very slow. I want to see action! I can't help it.
I'm not really into clubbing, I like to go to parties after events, and those do end up at clubs or bars. But in my free time I go grocery shopping or to the gym, or I talk on the phone.
They haul you up there for, you know, week after week in this kind of star chamber proceeding. Then at the end of it they say, well, we found nothing, but now it's time for special counsel.
I really didn't even have time to get that many lessons, to be honest, because I was suddenly on the road. I was kind of thrown in the deep end. But that wasn't a bad thing when I look back at it.