The Young Man came to the Old Man seeking counsel. I broke something, Old Man. How badly is it broken? It's in a million little pieces. I'm afraid I can't help you. Why? There's nothing you can do. Why? It can't be fixed. Why? It's broken beyond repa...
One part of Judaism called tikkum olam. It says that the world has been broken into pieces. All this chaos, all this discord. And our job – everyone’s job – is to try to put the pieces back together. To make things whole again ... Maybe we’re...
I had a dream about you. I walked by and you whistled like I was a piece of meat. And I was a piece of meat—I was a thin slice of ham. You were two pieces of bread, so we made love like most mothers make lunch for their kids. That sounded dirtier t...
Nina: Now Milton, don't be greedy, let's pass it along and make sure everyone gets a piece. Milton Waddams: Yeah, but last time I didn't receive a piece. And I was told... Nina: Just pass. [while the cake passes Milton mutters - eventually everybody ...
It’s like this: if you have one piece of cake, and you eat it, that’s fine. If you have two pieces of cake, you should probably share some with a friend. But maybe not. Occasionally we could all use two pieces of cake. But if you have a whole cak...
Rather a piece of bread with a happy heart than wealth with grief.
I would love a little bit of a change.
Bit literacy means letting the bits go; anything else perpetuates the problem.
I'm a bit of a traditionalist; the ballroom is all about tails and I never mess about with that. But for the Latin you can have a bit fun: tight trousers, gold shirt open to my waist, be a bit ridiculous.
We see the world piece by piece, as the sun, the moon, the animal, the tree; but the whole, of which these are shining parts, is the soul
Most people inherit success and fame; if you have earned it piece by piece you will know how hard it is.
I recently did a piece for the Boston Pops and John Williams, and I hope that it's as well a composed piece as I've ever done for any other medium or occasion.
It's like a jigsaw, there's a piece of the puzzle at the beginning and it's the only one and of course it had a lot to do with the way you look. And then you have to have the time to add pieces of the jigsaw.
I assemble my ideas in pieces on a computer file, then gradually find a place for them on a piece of scaffolding I erect.
There is a little bit of everybody in everybody.
Change is always a little bit strange.
I'm a little bit of a fabric lunatic.
I was a little bit of a cocky kid.
Save three pieces of gold and the fourth one will fall into your lap.
He who has been bitten by a snake fears a piece of string.
A piece of incense may be as large as the knee, but unless burned emits no fragrance.