Somehow I feel a little bit odd in Tiananmen Square because I was a soldier, in a uniform, watching those leaders and tanks, and I was part of them.
There have been a couple of things I've been involved in launching that have been a bit more public, but I've always had other things tipping away in the background.
Each new book that comes out kind of pulls up the old ones a little bit. The new releases are always going to bolster the old releases.
My cartoon strips in college strived to have the Schulzian mix of surrealism and Charlie Brown angst. A bit of that combo shows up in 'Up.'
My make-up artist, she uses bronzer on the eyelids too. And also a little bit on the forehead to make everything look even.
Some of my favourite record and album covers and stuff have all been the singer, and they create a character, and they dress up a little bit.
I like the fact that New York looks a bit backwards, toward the Old World, rather than resolutely forwards.
You know you've made it when you've been moulded in miniature plastic. But you know what children do with Barbie dolls - it's a bit scary, actually.
I think that 'Lost' is a bit of a dinosaur in terms of the type of show it is. The economics just don't support making a show this big and complicated profitable enough for a network.
One day, I shall explode like an artillery shell and all my bits will be found on the writing table.
I directed an episode of Touched by an Angel a couple of months ago, and I will be doing more of that. I just like to keep a bit of variety going; it keeps things interesting.
Because of my job, my hair gets played with a lot on set, so I try to give it little bit of breathing space when I'm not working.
I sometimes wonder if I might be a bit of a disappointment to people, because they are expecting all these '80s hits and what they get is a dark industrial wall of noise.
The dynamic range of a digital camera is not that much greater than film, particularly if you push the ASA a little bit.
I felt very vulnerable after 'Sleeping with the Fishes'; I gained weight for the role. I felt a bit out of my skin in the movie, and it was hard to watch.
When I speak of drama, I'm really referring to just 'desperately trying not to be ordinary'. Trying to get something that has a little bit of friction, conflict, absurdity.
Our fans want us to be happy and if that means being married or having a girlfriend, they are okay with that. Of course, in this industry it is a bit harder to have normal relationships, but it is possible.
When I was 20, my mother died and I went off the rails a little bit. I kinda had my slightly dark period.
With every interview you feel like you lose a piece of yourself, and with every bad review you become just that little bit more bitter. It is horrible in a way.
When my son was born, I decided I wasn't really into working 12 hours a day. That slowed me down a little bit.
The game is just, everybody talks about baseball, but I really think football probably has a little bit more American feeling than anything.