I set out to write an anti-parenting parenting book.
Attachment parenting is not a passive parenting style.
You don't inherit cancer; you actually get it.
I encourage everyone out there to get involved.
Even perfection has room for improvement.
Japanese businesspeople and companies are lacking in individuality.
Gas consumption is growing everywhere.
We enjoy the process far more than the proceeds.
In advertising not to be different is virtually suicidal.
Let students use technologies in the classroom.
I like being an outsider. It is better in France on the outside.
Opportunity looks a lot like hard work.
I think that we should all be defined by our work and our results.
I was raised to work for my father when I was four.
I go to work the minute I open my eyes.
See, winners embrace hard work.
If you care about women's rights, you can't not vote.
hornier than a bunny on ecstasy
It always interests me how obsessed people are about age.
But, you know, it really depends on the character. Age doesn't really matter.
In blues, classical and jazz, you get more revered with age.