My whole life's been stability. People who have worked with me have for a long time. Air Asia is the same people who started it.
The sad thing about destroying the environment is that we're going to take the rest of life with us. The bluebirds will be gone, and the elephants will be gone, and the tigers will be gone, and the pandas will be gone.
Vigorous enforcement of copyrights themselves is an important part of the picture. But I don't think that expanding the legal definition of copyright outside of actual copyright infringement is the right move.
Every one with this writ may be a tyrant; if this commission be legal, a tyrant in a legal manner, also, may control, imprison, or murder any one within the realm.
I am pleased to be part of Promontory's steady efforts to assist banks and other financial firms in meeting legal and regulatory obligations and challenges.
The audience, upon learning that the real Buffalo Bill was present, gave several cheers between the acts.
Profound changes to how children access vast information is yielding new forms of peer-to-peer and individual-guided learning.
Too often we see that teachers and educational administrators feel threatened by self-organized learning. They, therefore, think it is not learning at all.
I am a typical Italian; I love the clan. But I don't think about getting married.
I love mixing with comedians when I'm working with them, but when I'm not I don't feel the need to hang around with them.
Most phenomenal startup teams create businesses that ultimately fail. Why? They built something that nobody wanted.
The Lean Startup has evolved into a movement that is having a significant impact on how companies are built, funded and scaled.
Tony Rezko and Bill Ayers should lead the Democratic Party. They are the only Democrats with any convictions.
When we're in that kind of childish space, we're more genuine and feel more comfortable with our friends.
Whether you're earning $7 an hour or $700,000 a year, it's very important to protect your credit rating.
The world is facing a new networked, digital lifestyle, and we will ensure that Canon remains ahead of the game.
Leaders get out in front and stay there by raising the standards by which they judge themselves - and by which they are willing to be judged.
If you look historically, what creates growth and wealth is innovation and investment, and increase in scale - more customers.
Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses.
In most companies people make a specific contribution to the company in their function. But it is not expressed in terms of profit, only in terms of performing their function better.
I'm more financially successful, but it just means the shopping blunders I make are bigger now.