Mikey, DJ interviewer: Wow. Thanks for that, Bill. Billy Mack: For what? Mikey, DJ interviewer: Well, for actually giving a real answer to a question. Doesn't often happen here at "Radio Watford" I can tell you. Billy Mack: Ask me anything you like, ...
Peter Brand: It's about getting things down to one number. Using the stats the way we read them, we'll find value in players that no one else can see. People are overlooked for a variety of biased reasons and perceived flaws. Age, appearance, persona...
Peter Brand: It's about getting things down to one number. Using stats to reread them, we'll find the value of players that nobody else can see. People are over looked for a variety of biased reasons and perceived flaws. Age, appearance, personality....
Stan: Why didn't you ask them any questions? Vinny Gambini: Huh? Ask who questions? Bill: The witnesses! You know you could have asked questions, didn't you, Vin? Stan: Damn it, Vinnie! Maybe if you'd put up some kind of a fight, you could have gotte...
J.T.: Hey there, little Yankee boy. Look what I got. Vinny Gambini: What is it? J.T.: $200. Vinny Gambini: Bring it here, let me see it. [J.T. presents a roll of bills] Vinny Gambini: How do I know that's not a bunch of ones with a twenty wrapped aro...
Patrick: There's this one guy, queer as a 3 dollar bill. The guy's father doesn't know about his son. So, he comes into the basement one night when he's supposed to be out of town. Catches his son with another boy, so he starts beating him. But not l...
Alonzo Harris: But, I don't believe you. You tapped that ass, didn't you. C'mon, tell the truth, you know you tapped that ass. You put her in the backseat, BAM. Code-X. Jake Hoyt: Look man, I got a wife. Alonzo Harris: You got a dick. You do have a d...
Mattie Ross: Who's the best marshal? Sheriff: Hmm, I'd have to think on that. Bill Waters is the best tracker. He's part Comanche; it is a pure joy to watch him cut for sign. The meanest is Rooster Cogburn; a pitiless man, double tough.Fear don't ent...
Stationmaster: This animal is being routed through to New York. It's care and feeding instructions are on this bill of lading. Baggage Handler #2: Okay, gotcha. Stationmaster: Now, I doubt if you'll have any problems, but if you do, there's a tranqui...
Little Bill Daggett: [to W. W. Beauchamp, referring to the passage in Beauchamp's book where English Bob claims to have killed "Two Gun" Corcoran because Corcoran insulted a lady's honor] Yeah, well, a lotta folks did call him "Two Gun," but that was...
Edward Blake: God damn I love working on American soil, Dan. Ain't had this much fun since Woodward and Bernstein. Dan Dreiberg: How long can we keep this up? Edward Blake: Congress is pushing through some new bill that's gonna outlaw masks. Our days...
Charlie: I could tell you some stories... Barton: Sure you could and yet many writers do everything in their power to insulate themselves from the common man, from where they live, from where they trade, from where they fight and love and converse an...
W.P. Mayhew: Mister Fink, they have not invented a genre of picture that Bill Mayhew has not, at one time or other, been invited to essay. Yes, I have taken my stab at the rasslin' form, as I have stabbed at so many others, and with as little success...
Through the reading of popular scientific books I soon reached the conviction that much in the stories of the Bible could not be true. The consequence was a positively fanatic orgy of freethinking coupled with the impression that youth is intentional...
Imagine that you are stuck on a long train ride and must choose one of two books to read in order to pass the time: the first is a novel whose main character is an office worker who is essentially working to pay his monthly cable bill; the second is ...
[Obamacare] was almost the perfect example of politics in the Bubble Era, where the time horizon for anyone with real power is always close to zero, long-term thinking is an alien concept, and even the most massive and ambitious undertakings are moti...
Sweetest of all is liberty. This we have chosen and this we pay for. We have embraced the laws of Lykurgus, and they are stern laws. They have schooled us to scorn the life of leisure, which this rich land of ours would bestow upon us if we wished, a...
When a destitute mother starts earning an income, her dreams of success invariably center around her children. A woman's second priority is the household. She wants to buy utensils, build a stronger roof, or find a bed for herself and her family. A m...
It took only three years for Jonathan Papelbon to surpass Bill Campbell, Lee Smith, Tom Gordon, Sparky Lyle, Derek Lowe, Jeff Reardon, Ellis Kinder, and Dick Radatz as he climbed the franchise leader board into second place all-time for saves. Papelb...
Washington not only fit the bill physically, he was also almost perfect psychologically, so comfortable with his superiority that he felt no need to explain himself. (As a young man during the French and Indian war he had been more outspoken, but he ...
Even Dad likes it," said Caddy, and her father agreed that he did. In a way. Being a broad-minded, tolerant, artistic sort of person. Or so people told him... "Oh, yes?" said Saffron, rolling her eyes. "Yes," said Bill, sounding a little bit peeved. ...