It is nice to have valid competition; it pushes you to do better.
But once you buy a company, you are married. You are married to that company.
I was a very early believer in the idea of convergence.
We tend to believe that things are impossible that are very possible.
I don't know who had it out for me, but somebody did.
Confidence is a very fragile thing.
Some guys practice like all-Americans but they can't play!
When you expect things to happen - strangely enough - they do happen.
You learn how to be a gracious winner and an outstanding loser.
My ego's not the kind that says, 'I want to be an actor and be accepted as that.'
It is the service we are not obliged to give that people value most.
Courteous treatment will make a customer a walking advertisement.
Theory is splendid but until put into practice, it is valueless.
I'm used to performing under pressure, but that's playing football.
Right now I own shares of companies in 28 countries.
Index investing outperforms active management year after year.
I always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity.
Charity is injurious unless it helps the recipient to become independent of it.
The game-playing market today is pretty sizable.
The Enemy of the best is the good. If you're always settling with what's good, you'll never be the best.
I can't handle rollercoasters. I have no control of it. It gets to me.