Out of clutter, find simplicity.
Imagination is the highest form of research.
God is subtle but he is not malicious.
I'm this strange kind of fusion of jazz, pop, and R&B.
I just like to build things and do things.
We are all experts in our own little niches.
People have paid for content. They always have.
Every single note on this album is there for a reason.
If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm.
The Rock will always come back to us.
So no, I don't think we've lost our edge at all.
The first rule is not to lose. The second rule is not to forget the first rule.
Big doors swing on little hinges.
A free, analytical and questioning press must be helped survive.
Facebook didn't know how successful Zynga would be.
I'm trying to learn from various corners of the world.
Nothing is work unless you'd rather be doing something else.
As an entrepreneur, you work out solutions.
Don't think about work in your bedroom or relaxation area.
We will make our products work out of the box.
I enjoy how women dressed in the 1920s with the shimmering jewels and rich feathers.