The major mistake people pursue in decision making is to surround themselves with negatively minded people. People who are going nowhere will never take you anywhere; people who are going everywhere can take you somewhere.
Facebook is big. Bigger than Justin Bieber or Ashton Kutcher's Twitter following. Hell, it's even bigger than obesity and possibly just as lethal!
If your hope disappoints you, it is the wrong kind of hope. You see, hope in God never disappoints, precisely because it is hope *in God.* This means that hope placed in any other thing will always end up disappointing.
The better we become, the higher we climb. The higher we climb, the bigger our ego. The bigger the ego, the harder it is for us to look at others the same way we did before as we can get so full of ourselves we lose our true self. Always be humble. E...
Politicians compete for the highest offices. Business tycoons scramble for a bigger and bigger piece of the pie. Armies march and scientists study and philosophers philosophise and preachers preach and labourers sweat. But in that silent baby, lying ...
I will say I was a lot bigger as Superman. A lot bigger. I'm not saying how much. It's modesty about the weight - I've always been worried about my weight - but I also don't want to invite that debate: 'Henry weighs this, so he's the perfect Superman...
Newscaster: But, Mr. Minister, it isn't like this film is the first troublesome thing to come out of Canada. Let us not forget Bryan Adams. Canadian Representative: Now, now, the Canadian Government has apologized for Bryan Adams on several occasions...
Mr. Mackey: [singing] Step 4, don't say fuck anymore, 'cause fuck is the worst word that you can say. Children: Fuck is the worst word that you can say. We shouldn't say fuck, no we shouldn't say fuck, fuck no!
Big Gay Al: Bombs are flying, people are dying, children are crying, politicians are lying too. Cancer is killing, Texaco's spilling, the whole world's gone to hell, but how are you? [singing] Big Gay Al: I'm super! Thanks for asking!
Satan: [singing] Up there, there is so much room / Where baby's burp and flowers bloom / Everyone dreams I can dream too / Up there / Up where the skies are ocean blue / I could be safe and live without a care / Up there
Ticket Taker: Hey wait a minute, where is your guardian? Cartman: What? Ticket Taker: I knew it! You paid a homeless guy to get you in. Didn't you? Cartman: Fuck off, you donkey-raping shit eater.
Eric Cartman: I had to ride my bike here. My behind is killing me. Kyle: Your "behind"? Eric Cartman: I have to say "behind" because I get shocked if I say "ass". [VChip activates] Eric Cartman: AGH!
Redesign your image, make it brighter! You can’t wait for any other time, any other person or any other skill. Once you are convinced about your personal power, you can enter the race and change the course of flow.
Keep asking yourself; • Do I do what I suppose to be doing? • Do I bring any benefit to my world with my actions? • Is this the ultimate guide to my success? • Has God approved of my steps? • What is moving me? • Where is it moving me to?
Do not be tired of doing good things. Victory comes after the battle; the crown follows the fight; the same way, behind purposeful actions is a great deal of success. Don’t give up on the fight. Fight till them end; win till all is won.
No matter how bad you feel, God never sees you as a hopeless person. He may see you as a sinner who needs to be re-washed to get back to his old vision for His purpose, but He will never see you as a hopeless being.
Forbid statements like “will God ever meet me?”, “am I worthy of his blessings?”, “I am not sure God will bless me”, “what shows that I am blessed?”. These statements clearly tell that you are not aware of who you are in the first pla...
You didn't fail... You just didn't use the right method. It's neither hail nor storm... It's just a stir that precedes the settlement of your destiny. Believe that you will not remain on the ground. Wake up and try again!
Never be afraid to try. The only angle through which you can approach success is by the “try-angle”. You may fail if you try, but shame unto you if you don’t try at all. If you fail…rise up and try again and again!
Give a smile always, not once a while. Life's great when you wake up and ignore the scaring nightmares you had. Forget the bitter bile; life's sweet beyond River Nile. File your teeth out and smile!
The only thing money really buys?...Space. A bigger house, a bigger car, a larger hotel room. First-class plane tickets. But it doesn't even buy comfort. No one complains more than the rich and entitled. Comfort, security, ease. None of them come wit...