I think my first thought on reaching the summit- of course, I was very, very pleased to be there, naturally - but my first thought was one of a little bit of surprise. I was a little bit surprised that here I was, Ed Hillary, on top of Mt. Everest. A...
If you want to keep camels, have a big enough door.
You arrive Mr. Big Shot but leave Mr. Nobody.
Dare To Dream Big, Think Big, Live Big And Believe Big In Your Life. Now Focus On That Spectacular Sunset...Because Destiny Is Calling You!
We as Americans assume that big companies are bad, and big power companies are even worse.
I'm a big woman. I need big hair.
Water does not stick to the mountain, and vengeance does not stick to a big heart.
Though the palm tree in the jungle is big, who knows how big its yield will be?
Big things begin with big thinking.
I came from a big family... a big family of Southerners.
I want to work with the big orchestras. I want to have a big family.
I come from a big family, so I'd like to have a big family.
You have to think big to be big.
I'm a big, big, big techno dork.
Look now,' Vesna's mother continued, 'what do you know, a civil war might break out any minute: Serbs would fight with Croats, Czechs would fight with Slovaks, Hungarians would fight with Jews. how can you be sure of anything?' 'But, Mother, if this ...
It was the end of the October term of my sophomore year, and everything was petty normal, except for Social Studies, which was no big surprise. Mr. Dimas, who taught the class, had a reputation for unconventional teaching methods. For midterms he had...
Mr. Pink: I'm very sorry the government taxes their tips, that's fucked up. That ain't my fault. It would seem to me that waitresses are one of the many groups the government fucks in the ass on a regular basis. Look, if you ask me to sign something ...
This guy kept telling us that rock was the big thing, everyone's talking about the big thing, our band was the big thing. So he made us change our name to The Big Thing. Can you believe that?!
Brian Taylor: So Mr. Big Evil, why do they call you Big Evil? Big Evil: Because, my evil is big.
Life is full of surprises.
I love to be surprised.