Do you ever got this feeling of being too small? That kind of size that can make you almost disappear. And everything around is so big, giant… that you don’t even get overwhelmed, because you are too small to even see it. Like the whole universe,...
Pvt. Willard: Big Joe, do I gotta carry all this equipment, and this satchel charge, and this .30-caliber machine gun too? Big Joe: Nah, give the .30-caliber to the hustler. He wants to be a hero. [Willard and Cowboy share a chuckle before Willard br...
Timon: [singing] Luau! / If you're hungry for a hunk of fat and juicy meat / Eat my buddy Pumbaa here, / 'Cause he is a treat / Come on down and dine / On this tasty swine/ All you hafta do is get in line. / Arrrre you achin'... Pumbaa: Yup, yup, yup...
[Sunshine has brought her widow sisters] Sunshine: It is very sad. They have no husbands and they cry. Jack Crabb: Well, that's too bad; I'm sorry. Sunshine: Digging Bear had a baby and lost it. And so did Corn Woman. But Little Elk had no baby at al...
General Custer: Take my advice. Go West! Olga Crabb: [in a Swedish accent] Vest? [She wails and bursts into tears] Jack Crabb: My wife, she's awful scared of Injuns. General Custer: My dear woman, you have nothing to fear from the Indians, I give you...
Mulan: [Mulan and Mushu escape back to shore from Yao, Ling, and Chin-Po] Boy, that was close. Mushu: No... Mushu: [brushes his teeth] That was vile! You owe me big. [Mushu squirts more toothpaste in his mouth and brushes again] Mulan: I never want t...
Big Dan Teague: Thank you for the conversational hiatus. I generally refrain from speech durin' gustation. I find it course and vulgar. Where were we? Delmar O'Donnell: Makin' money in the service of the Lord. Big Dan Teague: Heh, you don't say much,...
Bertier: Hey, Julius I was thinking we could... Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass: He's taking a shower. Bertier: What do you want, man? Ronnie "Sunshine" Bass: You know what I want. [kisses him and Gary starts trying to punch him. The team is holding Gary back...
Even Bigger Black Guy: I mean you beatin' 10 cops? You putting a man in the hospital? How come I don't see no bruises on you? Big Black Guy: Yeah! Billy Ray Valentine: 'Cause I'm a karate man! And a karate man bruises on the inside! They don't show t...
David St. Hubbins: I do not, for one, think that the problem was that the band was down. I think that the problem *may* have been, that there was a Stonehenge monument on the stage that was in danger of being *crushed* by a *dwarf*. Alright? That ten...
[Hiro talking to his friends about Yokai] Hiro: I don't know... We don't know anything about him. Baymax: His blood type is AB negative, Cholesterol levels are... Hiro: Baymax, you scanned him? Baymax: I am programmed to assess everyone's health care...
The Dude: These are, uh... Brandt: Oh, those are Mr Lebowski's children, so to speak. The Dude: Different mothers, huh? Brandt: No. The Dude: Racially he's pretty cool? Brandt: [laughs] They're not literally his children. They're the Little Lebowski ...
Walter Sobchak: Now so far, we have what appears to me to be a series of victimless crimes. The Dude: What about the toe? Walter Sobchak: Forget about the fucking toe! Coffee Shop Waitress: Excuse me, sir. Could you please keep your voices down? This...
Brandt: Mr. Lebowski is prepared to make a generous offer to you to act as courier, once we get instructions for the money. The Dude: Why me, man? Brandt: He believes the culprits might be the very people who, uh, soiled your rug, and you are in a un...
Nihilist: We believe in nothing, Lebowski. Nothing. And tomorrow we come back and we cut off your chonson. The Dude: Excuse me? Nihilist: I said [shouting] Nihilist: I zaid VE CUT OFF YA JOHNSON! Nihilist #2: Just think about that, Lebowski. Nihilist...
The Dude: Hey, no, come on, Walter. We're ending this thing cheap, man. Walter Sobchak: No, what's mine is mine. Nihilist: No funny shtuff. The Dude: Alright, alright, I've got four dollars, almost five... Donny: Hey, I got eighteen dollars. Walter S...
Eddie Mars: Convenient, the door being open when you didn't have a key, eh? Philip Marlowe: Yeah, wasn't it. By the way, how'd you happen to have one? Eddie Mars: Is that any of your business? Philip Marlowe: I could make it my business. Eddie Mars: ...
Vivian: I don't like your manners. Marlowe: And I'm not crazy about yours. I didn't ask to see you. I don't mind if you don't like my manners, I don't like them myself. They are pretty bad. I grieve over them on long winter evenings. I don't mind you...
General Sternwood: You may smoke, too. I can still enjoy the smell of it. Hum, nice state of affairs when a man has to indulge his vices by proxy. You're looking, sir, at a very dull survival of a very gaudy life, crippled, paralyzed in both legs, ba...
The darker the night, the brighter the stars, The deeper the grief, the closer is God!
You can’t jump for the stars if your feet hurt.