Maude Lebowski: Jeffrey. The Dude: ...Maude? Maude Lebowski: Love me. The Dude: That's my robe.
Singer: I just dropped in to see what condition my Condition was in.
The Dude: What do you do? Knox Harrington: Oh, nothin' much. [giggles]
Carmen Sternwood: You're not very tall are you? Philip Marlowe: Well, I, uh, I try to be.
I'm overall a big fan of President Obama.
It's so much easier to have no expectations than to have big ones.
The world is big enough for us. No ghosts need apply.
On the Web we all become small-town visitors lost in the big city.
I'm not gonna lie: I was not a big 'Star Wars' geek.
I know very few Americans, though I like the way they think. They think big.
People that love quotes are those short on time, but long on big ideas.
I support Real Madrid. I'm a big fan of Cristiano Ronaldo.
There is very little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude.
I've seen composers work on 30 films at one go. So, eight or even 10 albums in a year is no big deal.
It's such a hopeful, almost utopian word, that word "phase." As if any minute, "we" would suffer some sort of Joad overload, come to "our" senses, and for heaven's sake, do something about our godforsaken shoes. But the book phase never ended. The bo...
Beaver's Son: We don't like you and we hate your dad. Now grab some of that mud, chew it in your mouth, and swallow it. Ash: I'm not gonna eat mud! Beaver's Son: Cuss yeah you are. [he picks up a large glob of mud and shoves it in Ash's face. Ash mak...
At this point in history, our society tends to elevate and reward the specialist...This concentrated focus has brought some benefits...It may also be a modern malady. Specialization, when taken too far and allowed to define who and what we are, becom...
Be skeptical; long garments can also hide big feet.
No matter how big, one beam cannot support a house.
Small people always cast big shadows.
Do not try to make yourself so big, you are not so small.