The box office has become global. I think that factors in to the question of how to portray different ethnicities and cultures.
I'll be glad to reply to or dodge your questions, depending on what I think will help our election most.
I tried to use the questions and answers as an armature on which to build a sculpture of genuine conversation.
Sometimes people think you’re smart if you question the status quo, if nothing else.
I want to question societal norms, encourage people to think in new ways.
The wise man doesn't give the right answers, he poses the right questions.
Without question, conditions in the Haiti are worse since Aristide's removal, and continue to deteriorate.
I am clearly vulnerable on the question of socializing under circumstances not appropriate for a married man.
Do question, even the basics! You will be a fool for once! If you don't, you will be, for a lifetime..
Do not let any question goes out of your mind without doing something about it.
We debated long over the situation for it is a very difficult question and all of us recognize its difficulty.
New and stirring things are belittled because if they are not belittled the humiliating question arises 'Why then are you not taking part in them?
Where radio is different than fiction is that even mediocre fiction needs purpose, a driving question.
Until you are able to answer the question of self, you'll still be living under someones shadows
The question that is upon my lips (please forgive me) is the doubt in your heart
Our staff not only received the reports from these agencies, they examined them. They questioned them.
The only certainties in life are “time” and “change.” The question you must ask yourself: is now the time to change?
Did you hear that? I didn't hear anything. Put that question another way.
Students at universities are sometimes so filled with the doctrines of the world they begin to question the doctrines of the gospel.
Whatever the practical value of the Walden experiment may be, there is no question that the book is one of the most vital and pithy ever written.
Americans tend to endorse the use of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia when the question is abstract and hypothetical.