În oraș sunt câteva biserici: metodistă, evanghelică, baptistă. Există cu siguranță și clădirea cu multe coloane a bisericii ”Știința creștină”. Dar dacă nu ești baptist sau metodist și nu crezi în Dumnezeul șarlatan al scient...
If these Mount Everests of the financial world are going to labor and bring forth still more pictures with people being blown to bits with bazookas and automatic assault rifles with no gory detail left unexploited, if they are going to encourage anxi...
In so far as I listen with interest to a record, it’s usually to figure out how it was arrived at. The musical end product is where interest starts to flag. It’s a bit like jigsaw puzzles. Emptied out of the box, there’s a heap of pieces, all s...
[Faye draws a picture of Vincent] Faye: There you go! [everyone looks at the drawing] Jet: That's really unique Faye! Is that a mugshot or your version of Picasso? Spike: [chuckles] Hey I'll make you a deal. If anyone can catch him with that drawing,...
Deputy Clyde Sawyer: Down in the lobby, I ran up against these two. [indicates Toots and Curly] Deputy Clyde Sawyer: Well, they didn't look right to me, so I asked them a few questions. By the way they answered me, I knew there was something fishy. S...
Director: Cut dammit! Cut! Mr Bakshi. Hrundi V. Bakshi: Yes, Sir? Director: Has it occurred to you that the period of our picture is 1878? Hrundi V. Bakshi: Oh, yes indeed sir. I am well aware that that is the period of the film. 1878. Director: Mr. ...
Norma Desmond: You're a writer, you said. Joe Gillis: Why? Norma Desmond: Are you or aren't you? Joe Gillis: That's what it says on my Guild card. Norma Desmond: And you have written pictures, haven't you? Joe Gillis: I sure have. Want a list of my c...
Carl Fredricksen: [to Russell] Now, we're gonna walk to the falls quickly and quietly with no rap music or flashdancing. Russell: Uh-huh. Carl Fredricksen: We have three days, at best, before the helium leaks out of those balloons. And if we're not a...
Dr. Emmett Brown: You're late! Do you have no concept of time? Marty McFly: Hey, come on. I had to change. Do you think I'm going back in that-that zoot suit? The old man really came through. It worked! Dr. Emmett Brown: What? Marty McFly: He laid ou...
Love is a choice. That's why love it's one of gods commandments. People love because they trust. People trust because of faith. Love does have expectations. What we expect by love is eternity. We expect eternity because love is a choice, and you can ...
no song no picture or words will make you love me ,, may be you will never know ,, or may be you knew and felt sorry for me or thought it was sweet ,,but nothing will make me more than just a passing thought or a name you try to put for a face ,,,for...
What is a writer? A writer is a magician who can create a masterpiece With a wave of a pencil A writer has the key to a new world Capturing readers and taking them on a roller coaster ride away from reality But a writer can be a commanding tyrant Or ...
Oh! why was I born with a different face? why was I not born like the rest of my race? when I look,each one starts! when I speak, I offend; then Im silent & passive & lose every friend. Then my verse I dishonour, my pictures despise, my person degrad...
Respectfully, sir, the asteroid did not make you leave her. The asteroid is not making anyone do anything. It's just a big piece of rock floating through space. Anything anyone does remains their own decision.
...it was one at bat during October 1975 that defined his [Joe Morgan's] place in baseball history and secured the legacy of the Big Red Machine, all with one swing.
You might be a big fish in a little pond, Doesn't mean you've won 'Coz along may come a bigger one.
But let me tell ya, spend every day living only for yourself, every day indulging in little sins that aren’t that big of a deal, and one day I may be showing you the ropes in hell. Amen.
I thought you were dead." Magnus smiled crookedly. "What, from that scratch?" He glanced down at the reddening jacket in Alec's hand. "Okay, a deep scratch. Like, from a really, really big cat.
There is not one big cosmic meaning for all; there is only the meaning we each give to our life, an individual meaning, an individual plot, like an individual novel, a book for each person.
A big enough artist, I say, can eat anything, must eat everything and then alchemize it. Only the feeble writer is afraid of expansion.
Every big castle was once started with a single block; despise no small beginnings. A little step taken every day builds up the hope of greater accomplishments. Do something every day!