The Stranger: I guess that's the way the whole durned human comedy keeps perpetuatin' itself.
The Big LebowskiMalibu Police Chief: Keep your ugly fuckin' goldbrickin' ass out of my beach community.
The Big Lebowski[after the chief of police throws a coffee mug at his head] The Dude: Ow! Fucking fascist!
The Big LebowskiPhilip Marlowe: Don't you know any better than to wake a man up at two o'clock in the afternoon?
The Big SleepIf you do big things they print your face, and if you do little things they print only your thumbs.
Arthur BaerI am quite loud and bolshie. I'm a big personality. I walk into a room, big and tall and loud.
AdeleWhy rush through things when life should be cherished? Take a step back and see the big picture.
Atlanta Hunter