Otto Meyer: Hey, wait a minute! I can't cross here. You said the main road. This is Niagara Falls. All right, look. You're a little boy. You wanna be a big boy? Which way to the main road?
David Ferrie: Oh man, why don't you fuckin' stop it? Shit, this is too fuckin' big for you, you know that? Who did the president, who killed Kennedy, fuck man! It's a mystery! It's a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma! The fuckin' shooters ...
I had an incredibly full life with my imagination: I used to have all sorts of trolls and things; I had a wonderful world around my toys and invented people. I don't mean I had imaginary friends; I just had this big imagination thing going on. I didn...
I wrote 'Lights' a long, long time ago. And I expected it to be on the album, because it was - I wrote it with 'Biff' Stannard. And he wrote every single Spice Girls song and every single pop song of the 90s, basically. So I thought, you know, I was ...
My brothers used to call me Bob. They'd laugh at me, and I didn't get it. I'm 13 years old at the time, and then one day my brother's friend says, 'You know what Bob stands for? 'Booty on back.' You're fat.' Like my butt was so big I could reach for ...
I played football; I was a running back, and I took a hit, and I had a hairline fracture in my leg which no one spotted, and I was playing basketball all winter and it got worse. And then I was long jumping, about 20 feet, and I landed one time and t...
I mix and match a lot: sometimes I'll buy from boutiques, sometimes I'll buy vintage clothes, sometimes I buy big, expensive labels, but 70 per cent of the time, my clothes are from the high street. I always buy Topman jeans, but I shop everywhere. G...
I'm trying to understand cosmology, why the Big Bang had the properties it did. And it's interesting to think that connects directly to our kitchens and how we can make eggs, how we can remember one direction of time, why causes precede effects, why ...
[Todd and Margo Chester, the Griswold's yuppie neighbors, appear] Todd: Hey Griswold. Where do you think you're gonna put a tree that big? Clark: Bend over and I'll show you. Todd: You've got a lot of nerve talking to me like that Griswold. Clark: I ...
Slater: Behind every good man there is a woman, and that woman was Martha Washington, man, and everyday George would come home, she would have a big fat bowl waiting for him, man, when he come in the door, man, she was a hip, hip, hip lady, man.
Sabrina Davis: So what do you guys do... for fun I mean Jodi: Mostly hang out, y'know? There's gonna be a big party tonight, should be fun. Sabrina Davis: Oh, cool. Sounds fun. Jodi: [nice] You wanna come? Sabrina Davis: [happy] Sure!
Jim: Hey! Now you've done it. Kim: It's just a scratch, Jim, really. It's okay. Jim: Stay back! Touch her again and I'll kill you. Kim: No, it's no big deal. It's just a scratch. Jim: Call a doctor. He skewered Kim.
Walt Simonson: Brooklyn is loaded with guys that own candy stores, two cars, and like to go to nightclubs! Buddy "Cloudy" Russo: Yeah, but you put this little candy store hustler together with Joel Weinstock and maybe we got a big score! Walt Simonso...
Howl: The Witch of the Wastes is trying to find my castle. Old Sophie: Ah, I saw her henchmen at the harbor. Howl: I'm such a big coward, all I do is hide. All of this magic is to keep everybody away. I can't stand how scared I am.
Shake: Well, he just asked if he could have those photos, and Norm said no, and I said, "Well, why not be big about it?" Paul: Yeah, and? Norm: And your grandfather pointed out that Shake was always being taller than me just to spite me!
Jeffrey Wigand: I can't seem to find the criteria to decide. It's too big a decision to make without being resolved in my own mind. Lowell Bergman: Maybe things have changed. Jeffrey Wigand: What's changed? Lowell Bergman: You mean since this morning...
Big Joe: If I hear any more threats against Captain Maitland's life, if I hear any more wild talk about going down to headquarters and killing the General, or raping the nurses at the field hospital, I'm going to strangle the guy with my bare hands! ...
Big Joe: If I hear any more threats against Capt Maitland's life. If I hear any more wild talk about going to headquarters and killing the general, or raping the nurses at the field hospital I'm gonna strangle the guy with my bare hands! You understa...
Karen: So what's this big news, then? Daisy: [excited] We've been given our parts in the nativity play. And I'm the lobster. Karen: The lobster? Daisy: Yeah! Karen: In the nativity play? Daisy: [beaming] Yeah, *first* lobster. Karen: There was more t...
Frodo: We're friends of Gandalf the Grey, can you tell him we've arrived? Barliman Butterbur: Gandalf? Gandalf... Oh, yes, I remember! Elderly chap, big gray beard, pointy hat. Not seen him for six months.
[At the gravesite of his father] Ratso Rizzo: He was even dumber than you. He couldn't even write his own name. "X," that's what it ought to say on that goddamn headstone, one big lousy "X". Just like our dump. Condemned by order of City Hall.