Denmark is like a big family of people.
The Internet is the Viagra of big business.
It's unfortunate that music has become such big business.
I like death. I'm a big fan of it.
I'm a big fan of country.
To have a big life, dream a big dream.
Small gestures can have a big impact.
I've had the big ups and the big downs.
I like the big ups. I'm into the big ups.
BMX is kind of a big guy sport, you know.
The Dude: At least I'm housebroken.
Maude Lebowski: The story is ludicrous.
The big thing for actors is the level of commitment.
'Merlin' was a big step; it was my first big role in a show.
Details create the big picture.
I'm little, but I love big things.
I'm a very big believer in fate.
I like to direct for the big screen.
I have big, big stage fright.
I'm a big fan of horror, personally.
Little things matter far more than big ones. We remember them longer. We can’t control the big things. If you think about what’s happened in the past, it will be the small moments that come to the forefront, not the big transitions. The big thing...