My idea of the ideal sex education site doesn't exist.
You ask me if I keep a notebook to record my great ideas. I've only ever had one.
I don't go looking for stories with the idea of wrongness in my head, no. But the fact is, a lot of great stories hinge on people being wrong.
At the end of the day, if you've got the great idea, and someone judges you've got the managerial capability, you'll probably get the backing for it.
We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only, and not for things themselves.
I enjoy reading about the lives of musicians, and find many similarities in their ideas of preparation and their utter devotion to this great, eternal language: music.
I'm not a sponge exactly, but I find that something I look at is a great opportunity for ideas.
One of the great cliches of campaign journalism is the notion that American elections have long since ceased to be about issues and ideas.
It's real simple - we all have nightmares, and the idea you can be in real jeopardy in them is a great gimmick. It's universal.
I saw this DJ playing music and saying things to the kids. They would answer him back, and I say, 'That's a great idea.'
The idea that if people are just friendly and demonstrate they want peace, that will be answered with good will - that is really naive.
If it's a good movie, the sound could go off and the audience would still have a perfectly clear idea of what was going on.
As a human rights issue, the effort to end violence against women becomes a government's obligation, not just a good idea.
Ordinary people who have lots of good ideas want more than a suggestion box, and they need a union to represent that thinking.
I do not understand how you can associate abortion with an idea of hedonism or the good life.
In the housing projects, people talked of ways to reduce crime, relieve overcrowding, and they were good ideas that we plan to study, and possibly implement.
A lot of times, good improv is when both people, or however many people are in the scene, really have no idea what the next thing you're going to say is.
We need to rediscover the idea of the common good and work together to build a home.
There is probably no such thing as a good divorce, but clinging to an old idea of how relationships are unraveled can make a bad thing even worse.
'Everything happens for a reason' is something that we have to tell ourselves all the time, because it's good to have the idea that something good is around the corner.
I had no idea that it was gonna take off the way it did. I thought we made a good movie.