Not all Modern Orthodox Jews, at the present juncture, identify with what the Israeli government does. In Israel many religious Zionists strongly oppose the government because of the disengagement.
The budget doesn't have much control over the government. Then again, the government doesn't have much control over the budget.
President Reagan was elected on the promise of getting government off the backs of the people and now he demands that government wrap itself around the waists of the people.
In our Constitution governmental power is divided among three separate branches of the national government, three separate branches of State governments, and the peoples of the several States.
It's the government's job to encourage entrepreneurialism and investment. Most importantly, it's the government's duty to inspire confidence.
Everywhere you look for comparisons of life under anarchy and life under government, life under government is less violent.
Instead of cutting waste, the Obama Administration is hurting workers. President Obama should stop protecting wasteful government spending.
Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.
History, in general, only informs us of what bad government is.
We don't need a weakened government but a strong government that would take responsibility for the rights of the individual and care for the society as a whole.
In no way am I supporting or suggesting that a Conservative government is a good thing, far from it.
Good government only happens when the people working in it do their jobs, and do them well.
It is not safe in the republican form of government that clannishness should exist either by compulsory or voluntary reason. It is not good for the government and it is not good for the individual.
As a political independent, I would gladly vote for any political party dedicated to limited government and entrepreneurship.
Unless your government is respectable, foreigners will invade your rights; and to maintain tranquillity, it must be respectable - even to observe neutrality, you must have a strong government.
Every year, thousands of Californians flee that populous paradise for tax-eased small government oasis of America's red states.
Beginning to dismantle the Pentagon would save $1 trillion a year - a small government proposal if ever there was one.
People listen to me, and they hear about a government they want, a government... that will cut spending, cut taxes, that will focus on private-sector job creation.
The only conduct that merits the drastic remedy of impeachment is that which subverts our system of government or renders the president unfit or unable to govern.
The fundamental challenge is that people like me simply do not trust the federal government any longer.
The Federal Government is exploiting public fear to redefine the relationship between the rulers and the American people.