Rule number one: wear loose clothing. No Problem. Rule number two: no alcohol for the next three days. Slight problem. I'll miss my evening glass of wine but figure I can go for three days without and compensate later. And the last rule: absolutely n...
My Heart I'm not going to cry all the time nor shall I laugh all the time, I don't prefer one "strain" to another. I'd have the immediacy of a bad movie, not just a sleeper, but also the big, overproduced first-run kind. I want to be at least as aliv...
Be yourself one hundred and one thousand percent. Everybody man, from the sides to the back to the middle to the sides, you might not even know people, but if you rock with Lil B music and respect me from the core, you should know that based means yo...
There is a very good organization called "Make a Wish Foundation" that helps make a dying child's wishes come true. People go out of their way and work together to create an unbelievable lasting memory for a deserving person. What just dawned on me w...
If you have a story to tell, put it out there. Get the thing done. No excuses. No procrastinating. No apologies. It will never be as good as you want it to be, so forget about perfection. Just be satisfied that you've done the best work you can do at...
Baloo: Now, look. It's like this, little britches. All you gotta do is... Baloo: [singing] Look for the bare necessities / The simple bare necessities / Forget about your worries and your strife / I mean the bare necessities / Are Mother Nature's rec...
[Chaplin tells Sennett he intends to leave Sennett's employ and open his own studio] Mack Sennett: Charlie, I've been so rotten to you. I don't know if you can forgive me. I forced you to leave Butte, Montana. I made you accept a hundred and fifty pe...
M: You've got a bloody cheek! James Bond: Sorry. I'll shoot the camera first next time. M: Or yourself. You stormed into an Embassy. You violated the only absolutely inviolate rule of international relations, and why? So you could kill a nobody. We w...
Edward D. Wood, Jr.: Boy, Mr. Lugosi, you must lead such an exciting life! When is your next picture coming out? Bela Lugosi: I have no next picture. Edward D. Wood, Jr.: You gotta be joking, a great star like you? You must have dozens of them lined ...
Narrator: Bob loved me because he thought my testicles were removed too. Being there, pressed against his tits, ready to cry. This was my vacation... and she ruined *everything*. Marla Singer: This is cancer, right? Narrator: This chick Marla Singer ...
Galloway: Hey, Kaffee... Kaffee: I know what you're going to say - You don't have to. We've had our differences. I said some things I didn't mean; you said some things you didn't mean, but you're happy I stuck with the case. And if you've gained a ce...
Dory: I saw a boat. Marlin: You did? Dory: Yeah, it went by not too long ago. Follow me. [few seconds later] Dory: Would you quit it? What, the ocean isnt big enough for you or something like that? You got a problem? Huh? Do ya, do ya, do ya? You wan...
Dr. Gonzo: Music, man. Put that tape on. Raoul Duke: What tape? Dr. Gonzo: Jefferson Airplane, "White Rabbit". I need a rising sound. Raoul Duke: You're doomed. I'm leaving here in two hours and then they're going to come up here and beat the mortal ...
Ronan: Citizens of Xandar, behold your guardians of the galaxy! What fruit have they wrought? Peter Quill: [dances] Ooh, child, things are gonna get easier. Ooh child, things will get brighter. You listen to these words. Ooh child, things are gonna g...
Nicholas Angel: I just want to be... good at what I do. Danny Butterman: You are good at what you do, you just need to switch off that big ol' melon of yours. Nicholas Angel: That's just it Danny, I don't think I know how. Danny Butterman: I can show...
Spc. Owen Eldridge: Aren't you glad the Army has all these tanks parked here? Just in case the Russians come and we have to have a big tank battle? Sergeant JT Sanborn: I'd rather be on the side with the tanks, just in case, than not have them. Spc. ...
Cormac McLaggen: No hard feelings, eh, Weasley? Ron Weasley: What do you mean? Cormac McLaggen: I'll be trying out for Gryffindor Keeper too. Nothing personal. Ron Weasley: Really? Big, strapping fellow like you? You look like you've got more of a Be...
General Murray: I may as well tell you, it's my considered opinion and that of my staff that any time spent on the Bedouin will be time wasted.They're a nation of sheep-stealers. Mr. Dryden: They did attack Medina. General Murray: And the Turks made ...
Teacher: Nouns beginning with "B"? Yes, Sophie? Sophie à 8 ans: "B" for... "Big-dick", "bonk"... "B" for "Beat the beaver", "bordello", "balls", "blow-job", "bug-eyed baboon", "bitchbag"... "Beat it, bitchbag!" Teacher: Think you're funny, miss? Wha...
Gauri: Guran read my fortune today. Bhuvan: Really? What's the misfortune then? Gauri: So cruel? I won't tell you. Bhuvan: Oh come on. Gauri: He said I'll put henna on my hands this year - I mean get married. Bhuvan: That's great! Who's the lucky boy...
Frankie Dunn: [Reads a script from a book in Gaelic] Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: What the hell kind of language is that? Frankie Dunn: What do you want? Eddie Scrap-Iron Dupris: I just thought you should know you got a fighter out there not talking to a...