No bed is big enough to hold three.
There is no coat big enough to hide both poverty and drunkenness.
If you want to keep camels, have a big enough door.
If you're not big enough to lose, you're not big enough to win.
A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.
My faith is stong enough to endure, kind enough to feel, big enough to accommodate.
Detroit is big enough to matter in the world and small enough for you to matter in it.
Pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win.
No loss is big enough to lose hope for tommorrow.
If you can build a business up big enough, it's respectable.
The Internet's a big enough place for everybody to be happy.
I never hid out. I was never big enough a star.
My back's not big enough for the number of targets on it.
My heart isn't big enough to care for the oppressors.
When I write a film, there's a particular thing I am wrestling with and the question or concern I'm dealing with has to be big enough for me to dedicate a year or two of my life. If the question isn't big enough, or rich enough, I'll lose interest.
Charles Foster Kane: Mr. Carter, here's a three-column headline in the Chronicle. Why hasn't the Inquirer a three-column headline? Herbert Carter: The news wasn't big enough. Charles Foster Kane: Mr. Carter, if the headline is big enough, it makes th...
The world isn’t big enough for all of us.
[arriving at the Dragon's castle] Shrek: Sure, it's big enough... but look at the location! [laughs]
The world is big enough for us. No ghosts need apply.
If you have a goal in life and it doesn’t scare you a little, then it’s not a big enough goal
That's what I liked about hitch-hiking. If a crowd wasn't big enough, I kept walkin.'