That's what I loved about show business, no two days were alike. It's an exciting life.
In show business, if you make a mistake, you can do it over again.
If you're in the WWE, it's like show business boot camp. You learn a little bit about everything as far as show business is involved.
Vulgar and obscene, the papers run rumors daily about people in show business, tales of wicked ways and witless affairs.
The movie business is not something that can come from the brain. It really comes from the soul and the heart.
I learned a long time ago: You're in the entertainment business. You're not in the reality business. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other.
Sometimes film is just the family business. Some families are generations of carpenters or farmers, or they make clothes, or they're all lawyers. I'm in the family business.
With the permanent elimination of this tax, farmers and business owners will have the sense of security they need to plan for the financial future of their business or farm and their family.
The only currency isn't money. For me, it's about how can you build a good business that's also a social business.
When we want to have our own style of living, it is nobody's business but ours. What we do in private is our private business.
As business people, we have to remind ourselves that it's up to us to create jobs. It's up to us as business people to drive the economy, and no one else.
Business deals are successfully negotiated every day throughout America. The common thread is a mutual desire to reach an accord. And the media business is no different.
We expect all our businesses to have a positive impact on our top and bottom lines. Profitability is very important to us or we wouldn't be in this business.
Unlike a lot of actors, my father encouraged all his kids to go into show business. He loved it so much.
Nowadays it seems more and more like the 'business' in 'show business' is underlined, and there are campaigns, and it's all part of getting people in to see the movies.
America is one of the biggest businesses in the world, and the people who run it can't balance their budget. We need business people in there and lobbyists out of there.
Look at your business and the activities that you undertake. Then, start to think about not just your economic concerns, but about social and environmental impacts that businesses have.
What I learned at Oxford has been used to great advantage throughout my business career.
It's arguable whether a hit song is gonna add to the business a film does. There are plenty of films that didn't do any business and sold a million albums.
A transfer of money should never be involved in this profound situation. Although illness is profound, too, but medicine's a business today. It's a business.
I think for any small business that's bootstrapped, the overwhelming challenge initially is getting to positive cash flow.