[upon learning the Police have found Delahunt's body and that he was a cop] Fitzy: I don't believe it. Mr. French: What can't you believe? Fitzy: I spent all fucking night dragging the poor bastard in there. Tell me how they find him so fast? Somebod...
Mika Kobayashi: What are you doing? Daigo Kobayashi: This one. Here. Mika Kobayashi: What? Daigo Kobayashi: A stone letter. Mika Kobayashi: Stone letter? Daigo Kobayashi: Long ago, before writing, you'd send someone a stone that suited the way you we...
John Dunbar: How did you get your name? Stands With a Fist: When I came to live on the prarie, I worked every day... very hard... there was a woman who didn't like me. She called me bad names... sometimes she beat me. One day she was calling me these...
[analyzing drug shipment] Chemist: Blast off: one-eight-oh. Two hundred: Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. Two ten: U.S. Government certified. Two twenty: lunar trajectory, junk of the month club, sirloin steak. Two thirty: Grade A poison. Absolute...
[Korben is arguing with his mother on the phone] Korben's Mother: Oh, I get it. You wanna make make your only mother to beg. Is that it? Korben Dallas: No, I don't wanna make you beg. All I want is an explanation. Look, I just got in. I just smashed ...
Michael Corleone: I spent my life protecting my son. I spent my life protecting my family! Kay Corleone: Let's be reasonable here, Michael. I mean, that's your big thing, isn't it? Reason backed up by murder. Michael Corleone: Oh, God, you hate me. Y...
Vincent: What's this? Dr. Lamar: New policy, what's the matter? Flight got you nervous. Vincent: Nope, there's a problem Lamar... Dr. Lamar: ...I still haven't told you about my son, have I? He's a big fan of yours... Vincent: Just remember. I was as...
[telling young Sonarman Beaumont about Jones's most embarrassing moment] Watson: Seaman Jones here is into music in a big way, and he views this whole boat as his own personal, private stereo set. Well, one day he's got this piece of Pavarotti... Sea...
Samantha: How do you share your life with somebody? Theodore: Well, we grew up together and I used to read all of her writing and through her Masters and PhD. She read every word I ever wrote. We were a big influence on each other. Samantha: In what ...
Hogarth Hughes: [talking very fast, on caffeine] So she moved me up a grade 'cause I wasn't fitting in, so now I'm even more not fitting in. I was getting good grades, you know, like all A's. So my mom says, "You need stimulation," and I go, "No, I'm...
Centurion: Where is Brian of Nazareth? Brian: You sanctimonious bastards! Centurion: I have an order for his release! Brian: You stupid bastards! Mr. Cheeky: Uh, I'm Brian of Nazareth. Brian: What? Mr. Cheeky: Yeah, I - I - I'm Brian of Nazareth. Cen...
Harvey Milk: [answering the phone] Scotty? Paul: I'm sorry, sir. I read about you in the paper. Harvey Milk: I'm sorry, I can't talk right now. Paul: Sir, I think I'm gonna kill myself. Harvey Milk: No, you don't want to do that. Where are you callin...
Christian: It's a little bit funny. Satine: What? Christian: This feeling inside. I'm not one of those who can easily hide. Is this ok? Is this what you want? Satine: Ah, poetry. Yes, this it what I want naughty words. Christian: I don't have much mo...
TV Repairman: Hey - who did Muffin take to the Masquerade Ball when her date came down with the measles? David: Her father. TV Repairman: That's right! And how'd she dress him? David: As Prince Charming. TV Repairman: Nice! Remember the one where Bud...
Jake La Motta: Don't give me that look, Joey. I gotta accept your answer, you know? But If I hear anything, I swear on our mother I'm gonna kill somebody. I'm gonna kill somebody, Joey. Joey LaMotta: [angrily] Well go ahead and kill if you're a tough...
[first lines] Voice on radio: Men, are you over 40? When you wake up in the morning, do you feel tired and rundown? Do you have that listless feeling... [the camera pans around the courtyard; cut to later in the day] Jeff: [answering phone] Jefferies...
Han Solo: Han Solo. I'm captain of the Millennium Falcon. Chewie here tells me you're lookin' for passage to the Alderaan system? Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: Yes indeed, if it's a fast ship. Han Solo: Fast ship? You've never heard of the Millennium Falcon? B...
Lt. Col. Frank Slade: Ooh, but I still smell her. [inhales deeply through nose] Lt. Col. Frank Slade: Women! What can you say? Who made 'em? God must have been a fuckin' genius. The hair... They say the hair is everything, you know. Have you ever bur...
T-1000: Are you the legal guardian of John Connor? Todd Voight: That's right, Officer. What's he done now? T-1000: Could I speak with him please? Janelle Voight: You could if he were here. He just took off on his bike. So, he could be anywhere. T-100...
Immigration Officer: [to the Fat Lady] Have you brought any fruits or vegetables on the planet? Fat Lady: [with a big smile] Two weeks. Immigration Officer: Excuse me? Fat Lady: [ticcing with her mouth] Two weeks. Twooo weeeks! Wweeeoo... Richter: [w...
Woody: [through his voice box] Reach for the sky! Sid Phillips: Huh? Woody: This town ain't big enough for the two of us! Sid Phillips: What? Woody: Somebody's poisoned the waterhole! Sid Phillips: It's busted. Woody: Who are you calling busted, Bust...