Chinese buildings are like American buildings, with big footprints. People don't care about daylight or fresh air.
When you're a big girl like me, you want someone who makes you feel diminutive. I think fat guys are sexy.
New Jersey is very big. There are different areas of New Jersey. There is North New Jersey. There is like the center. There are a lot of actors from New Jersey that don't speak with a New Jersey accent.
I think I might want to get into development, as in developing my own sort of piece, whether it be for the stage or the big screen or for television.
Vampires are immortal, you can do whatever you want, and get away with it. And there's the seduction part of course, sex is a big part of the vampire thing.
I've been on plenty of things that never took off, and I've been on one thing, 'The West Wing,' that was a big hit, but took off well before I was on it.
The big dramas that fascinate me are the quiet ones that happen behind closed doors in so-called ordinary families.
I'm a big fan of the Mass Effect games, and that's all about social manipulation and observing people and alliances and relationships.
How would you like a job where when you made a mistake, a big red light goes on and 18,000 people boo?
Because I was born in Casablanca and my parents were from the south of Spain, I do not have a big central root in France. I feel French but in a few ways, not at all French.
When you whisper about something, it's too big, and you can't get it under control and take control of it.
Vegas represents the idea of America I had as a kid. The big cars, the pretty girls; everything is possible in Vegas.
We sort of read two or three big newspapers but we don't get the flavor of the local events, the local news as much.
I want big ideas to have aesthetic relevance. I want to tickle people's intellectual sensibilities and instill a sense of wonder.
I have big hands. I can't do the touch-screen thing. I'm a button guy. I want to press buttons.
I'm a big fan of Elmore Leonard, and I've read Ian Rankin, Christopher Brookmyre and so on. But I'd never read a crime novel that made me feel emotional at the end.
And I think the American people look to the leaders to lead. They look to the leaders to take on the big problems. And the president deserves a lot of credit for doing that.
The conventions of an almighty agency tapping you for greatness and signing you up and telling you this is going to be the next big thing; that has not been my career.
The Taiwanese are big on tea. I think it's nice to slow down a bit. It's very much a custom.
I'm a fairly fast, but sloppy writer, so I'm a big fan of re-writing, and re-writing again.
It's what actors call a big, juicy part, when you're a leading man. I don't get a lot of those. I get a lot of supporting things.