The garden, by design, is concerned with both the interior and the land beyond the garden.
Love the moment and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries.
what you know is way Beyond you think.
Everyone seems to be in a kind of accelerated time mode that is beyond their own control.
[repeated line] Buzz: To infinity, and beyond!
Money has no utility to me beyond a certain point.
Images have a unique power to impart that which is beyond words.
Go to the truth beyond the mind. Love is the bridge.
Beyond a certain point, the music isn't mine anymore. It's yours.
Sin is too stupid to see beyond itself.
We are living in a world that is beyond controllability.
tingkat dan sifat seksualitas seseorang meluas sampai puncak semangatnya
Man liebt zuletzt seine Begierde, und nicht das Begehrte.
Be the one who walks with the Lord
The perfect killer has no conscience.
I'm beyond caring what anyone expects of me anymore.
When Michael died I was tipped over the edge. I was beyond grief.
I had never made any plans beyond basketball.
There is no 'I.' That's an illusion we've got to get beyond.
The faithfulness of the Lord is beyond the understanding of men.
The power of prayer is beyond the understanding of men.