However, intention needn't enter in, and if a reader sees things in a religious way, and the work is dogmatically acceptable, then I don't see why it should not be interpreted in that way, as well as in others.
In order to work for Chrysler, you are required to join the union, in this case UAW. There's no choice - it's a union shop - the employees voted to have it that way, and in America, that's the way it is.
There are powdered salts, chunked salts, salts shaped in different ways with various additives to work perfectly with processed foods. All of them are geared to increase allure.
I was the kind of kid whose parents would drop him off at the local town library on their way to work, and I'd go and work my way through the children's area.
While I don't satisfy my curiosity about the way I work, I'm terribly curious about the way other poets work. But I would think that's true about many of us.
I dress women the way I see them and the way I envision them from day one, thus my customer knows that what she is looking for she will get.
The very fact that we are looking for something usually stands in the way of our finding it.
He who goes his own way does not deserve being received.
You never are so easily mistaken as when you think you know the way.
Get what you can and keep what you have; that's the way to get rich.
Haste and hurry can only bear children with many regrets along the way.
Perhaps it is better not to tell what you wish. if you cannot have it.
Better guilt than the terrible burden of freedom and responsibility.
Silent acquiescence in the face of tyranny is no better than outright agreement.
Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.
It is better to scare off a mouse than welcome a badger
It’s better to be sworn to an honest fool than to a lying scholar
If you've brains it's better than beauty - brains last, beauty doesn't.
Better to be a laughing-stock than lose the fort for fear of being one.
The ability to withstand the flinch comes with the knowledge that the future will be better than the past.
It's good to write badly. Things can only get better.