I think, that if the world were a bit more like ComicCon, it would be a better place.
The biggest problem for me was feeling that as I became more balanced and a better man that I wouldn't have the fire to create from.
I've always had a strong start, but the start in boardercross is so important. And if you're not getting better, you're getting worse.
The most important impact of technology on communications security is that it draws better and better traffic into vulnerable channels.
It seems, by today's standards, that it's better to seek approval than to tell the truth. It's better to utter sweet nothings than to boldly say something of substance.
If I'm going to leave my family for any length of time, it had better be for a role that I haven't played before, with great people. It had better be fun.
If I was in a situation where it wasn't working and I had a choice with another man, I'm gonna assess it like a business deal: who is the better person for me?
The more we can do to create a better society, that benefits more people, the better chance we have that our society will continue to grow and prosper.
I think what's cool about a body-switching movie is, 'The grass is always greener:' the idea that someone else has a better life than I do.
Being able to communicate with a loved one that you haven't talked to in a while because of some communication break makes their life and your life in a much better place.
I'm on a constant path of self-discovery and change. I'm trying to become a better person, a nicer person. I love therapy - it's brilliant.
America stands as a beacon of hope and the possibility of a better life - but it is also a nation where nearly 1 in 4 children live in poverty.
I love making fiction films as well as nonfiction ones, and hope to keep challenging myself to make better and better work.
I see history as really cyclical in terms of the intense idealism, and the desire to create a better life outside of societal norms.
It is not the straining for great things that is most effective; it is the doing the little things, the common duties, a little better and better.
I am sure that the Ukrainian nation deserves a better life. That is why I have voted for good changes and for stability.
There's nothing on this green earth that a liberal progressive fears more than a black American who wants a better life and a smaller government.
There's a confidence that comes from youth and not knowing better. But there comes a point, as an actor, when you do know better, and that is when the fear starts.
The power for creating a better future is contained in the present moment: You create a good future by creating a good present.
Frankly, I'd rather make a little bit less money if it means living in a better world for books and publishing in the future.
Denzel Washington is a person I will always emulate. I emulate him because he focuses on real life. Because of that he has made me a better person.