The old age of an eagle is better than the youth of a sparrow.
The old age of an eagle is better than the youth of the sparrow.
A dog by your side is better than a brother miles away.
A tear at the right moment is better than a misplaced smile.
Better one true friend than a hundred relatives.
Better go without medicine than call in an unskilled physician.
There is nothing better than a rich wife and a generous mother-in-law.
Better a devil you know than a hundred strangers.
It is better to be a mouse in a cat's mouth than a man in a lawyer's hands.
It is better to weep with wise men than to laugh with fools.
It is better to run back than run the wrong way.
It's better to sleep on the floor in an incense shop than in a bed in a fishmarket.
Theirs was a long, complicated story with a monster and a knight. What made their story unique was that these two players were the same person.
It doesn't matter what you want," Toreth breathed into his ear. "All that matters is what I want. Say it.
I ask myself why I do it. Maybe it's to prove I'm still around. It takes a lot out of my body. I'm not an NBA player anymore. At my age, very few people can handle it.
Too much money at a young age, it just takes your eye off the ball. And you're not as hungry as players used to be. You think you've made it before you've done anything.
Still to this day, I am deeply satisfied when watching a guitar player who is connected with their art and instrument. GuitarTV helps you tap into that connection, and to each other.
I don't know who you are," she thought, "but whoever you are, you're one hell of a player.
And a step backward, after making a wrong turn, is a step in the right direction.
And Daniel?" She asked. "Daniel was a player-" "Hey!" "That's what they called the actors." Bill rolled his eyes.
Is that all time is - our perception of how quickly it does or does not pass?