Better to ask twice than to lose your way once.
Better ride a good horse for a year than an ass all your life.
Better an egg this year than a chicken next year.
One bad general is better than two good ones.
You dance better with a full belly than with a new dress.
Better your own copper than another man's gold.
The old age of an eagle is better than the youth of a sparrow.
The old age of an eagle is better than the youth of the sparrow.
A dog by your side is better than a brother miles away.
A tear at the right moment is better than a misplaced smile.
Better one true friend than a hundred relatives.
Better go without medicine than call in an unskilled physician.
There is nothing better than a rich wife and a generous mother-in-law.
Better a devil you know than a hundred strangers.
It is better to be a mouse in a cat's mouth than a man in a lawyer's hands.
It is better to weep with wise men than to laugh with fools.
It is better to run back than run the wrong way.
It's better to sleep on the floor in an incense shop than in a bed in a fishmarket.
There is a saying about surgeons, meant as a reproof: "Sometimes wrong; never in doubt." But this seemed to me their strength. Each day surgeons are faced with uncertainties. Information is inadequate; the science is ambiguous; one's knowledge and ab...
What was the power that induced strong soldiers to put off their jackets and shirts, and present their hands to be tied up, and tortured for hours, it might be, under the scourge, with an air of ready volition? The moral coercion of despair; the resu...
So then I thought, I'd like you to have something to remember me by, you know, if you ever meet some veela when you're off doing whatever you're doing.' I think dating opportunities are going to be pretty thin on the ground, to be honest.' There's a ...