...that's what friends did. Let each other off the hook when they didn't want to talk.
Taking Care of BusinessBut so often, before words can rise to the mind to imply the ineffable, the ineffable has effed off.
Out of OzMaybe it was wrong to take comfort in Hayden’s arms, but she wouldn’t find comfort anywhere else.
Off the RecordNormal doesn't happen overnight when the world around and between you has always been off-balance.
The Prayer BoxOnce you’re on the pleasure express, it’s hard to get off and switch to another, slower service.
The Pleasure ExpressIncidentally, the world magical. Magic is simply what's off our human scale... at the moment.
The Perpetual Calendar of InspirationIn my normal world, cars do not go off the road and explode. Please, do not insult my intelligence.
Passing of the KingWe tend to get a little information before we off people. It’s not a play by ear sort of deal.
Prison of ParadiseAt some point, you just pull off the band aid and it hurts. But when it is over, you are relieved.
Paper Townstake your best orgasm, multiply the feeling by twenty, and you're still fuckin miles off the pace