Abel Muranda fought off furious red ants with mandibles that could cut through a miser's padlock.
Sprout of Disruption...with a strong strong glow of courage, drank off the potion.
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeCast off everything/everyone else has known for you./ /And this time, if you toughen,/ / ?
Silent, Sacred, Holy, Deepening HeartNever put off for tomorrow what is meant for today...tomorrow may never come.
LAST STAND of the WOLVES - An OracleThe world is not what it is supposed to be. We are tragically off course.
Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best LifeI would rather be a spinster than sold off, traded in, whatever they may call it.
The Secret Mandarin...if life never changed, there would be no room for good things that are still to happen.
Pairing Off