Pull yourself out of the dirt, dust yourself off, and get back on the horse and ride towards the sunset.
You mean less to me than the dog s__t I scraped off the bottom of my shoe!
Life is a one long flight, that ends even before you realize that it has taken off. Live it and Love it to the fullest.
It has been extraordinary, wonderful, I've been three feet off the ground since I made that first record.
It seems unpleasantly refined to put things off till someone knows.
Audiences can be leery of sequels; the studios make a hit, they see dollar signs, and they make a cheap rip-off.
Googling yourself is maybe one of the worst things you can do. I did it once, and someone had to talk me off a ledge.
We have not even sworn off. Instead, the problem has been removed. It does not exist for us.
He gets up only to have a cigarette for breakfast and then crawls back in bed, head high off the carcinogens.
I go on and off home-school and regular school, but the kids don't treat me any differently because they've all known me forever.
A man's got two shots for jewelry: a wedding ring and a watch. The watch is a lot easier to get on and off than a wedding ring.
By and large, I think that comics work seriously hard. Many have other jobs as well, plus you never really switch off, so you're always working.
One of my favorite modern American authors is Denis Johnson. I'm deeply inspired by all of his work - I rip him off constantly.
It's not a bad day at work when you just have to take your shirt off for a big franchise movie. There are worse jobs out there!
I once didn't work out for six weeks. It took me for ever to get the weight off.
What helped me most were my failures and slumps - when I couldn't get work, people weren't interested in me or had written me off.
It was tough for him in that newsroom with Ted Baxter getting all the glory and this poor guy doing all the work. Murray worried so much he worried his hair off!
There are rhythmic ideas which sometimes only work up to a point. In writing there are moments when it just comes off the page, it's not just a collection of notes.
Stunt work offers a diversity of roles and, while I'm used to anonymity, I really like showing off and performing in front of camera, though I know my limitations.
I just work out hard enough that, if I'm craving something, I eat it and know I'm going to burn it off the next day with extra intensity.
The mother-in-law had an accident at work. A hot rivet dropped down her drawers and she fell off the oil rig.