David Justice: Scotty H. Scott Hatteberg: Yo, what's up, D.J.? David Justice: Pickin' machine. [Scott laughs] David Justice: How you likin' first base, man? Scott Hatteberg: It's, uh... it's coming along. Picking it up. You know, tough transition, bu...
Wendy: You'd better be careful. Eric: Of what? Wendy: I'm serious, Eric. You're not in Modesto anymore. I see the way you look at him. Eric: He's so beautiful. I can't help it. He's like a god. Wendy: You don't have to tell me, I was infatuated with ...
Howard Beale: [on the air] I just ran out of bullshit. Harry Hunter: [picks up ringing phone in editing room] Mr. Schumacher's right here, do you want to talk to him? Howard Beale: Bullshit is all the reasons we give for living. If we can't think up ...
[Marty is trying to woo Janet again, kissing the back of her neck and humming as she smokes a cigarette at the bar in the party for the Archbishop] Marty: Come on... all you have to do is turn around. Janet: I thought you liked it better like this. T...
Mr. Pink: Mr. Blonde! What happened to you? We figured you were dead. Hey! You okay? Did you see what happened to Blue? We didn't know what happened to you and Blue, that's what we were wondering about. [Blonde doesn't answer] Mr. Pink: Come on! Look...
Tony Montana: You know what your problem is, pussycat? Elvira Hancock: What is my problem, Tony? Tony Montana: You got nothing to do with your life, man. Why don't you get a job? Do something, be a nurse. Work with blind kids, lepurs, that kind of th...
Head Bull Haig: Dufresne? Get your ass out here boy, you're holding up the show! [no answer] Head Bull Haig: Don't make me come down there or I'll thump your skull for you! [Still no answer. Glaring, Haig stalks down the tier, clipboard in hand. His ...
Sherlock Holmes: Madam, this is a glorious hedgehog goulash. I can't remember ever having had better. Dr. John Watson: Do tell me, when was the last time you had a hedgehog goulash? Sherlock Holmes: I told you, Watson, I can't remember. Dr. John Wats...
Satan: Saddam, I need to talk to you Saddam Hussein: Ah, you'd better get packing, bitch, we're running out of time. Satan: [sighs] sometimes you can love someone very much, but still know they aren't right for you. Saddam Hussein: What the *fuck* ar...
Jimmy: Hey, Shakespeare! How's it going? Joe Turner: Terrific. I'm building up a great collection of rejection slips. Jimmy: [as he prepares Turner's lunch order] Yeah, I know the feeling. I always wanted to be Escoffier. Joe Turner: Well, maybe it's...
Will Munny: Who's the fellow owns this shithole? [pause] Will Munny: You, fat man. Speak up. Skinny Dubois: Uh, I... I own this establishment. I bought the place from Greeley for a thousand dollars. [Will levels the shotgun, and speaks to someone sta...
[Charles appears just as Raven points a gun at Trask] Raven: Get out of my head, Charles! Charles Xavier: Raven, please do not make us the enemy today. Raven: Look around you, we already are! Charles Xavier: Not all of us, Raven. All you've done so f...
Dick Liddil: Can you hand me that six-gun there, Bob? [Bob hands Dick his "grandaddy" paterson colt] Dick Liddil: [holding the gun to Bob's head, whispering] If you so much as mention my name to Jesse... Boy, I'd find out about it. You had better bel...
Lester Siegel: Okay, you got 6 people hiding out in a town of what, 4 million people, all of whom chant "death to America" all the livelong day. You want to set up a movie in a week. You want to lie to Hollywood, a town where everybody lies for a liv...
[1885 - Marty walks into a saloon, dressed in the outfit that Doc Brown gave him in 1955] Saloon Old-Timer #1: Take a look and see what just breezed in the door. Saloon Old-Timer #2: Why, I didn't know the circus was in town. Saloon Old Timer #3: Mus...
[Visser has just given Marty some bad news] Marty: You know... in Greece, they would cut off the head of the messenger that brought the bad news. Private Detective Visser: Now that don't make much sense. Marty: No. It made them feel better. Private D...
Who will teach me to write? a reader wanted to know. The page, the page, that eternal blankness, the blankness of eternity which you cover slowly, affirming time's scrawl as a right and your daring as necessity; the page, which you cover woodenly, ru...
keep thinking positive & being grateful! When we think POSITIVE & being GRATEFUL, good things happens to us. Positive thinking can do so much for us. From relieving stress to bringing joy & abundance, it seems to make our lives better. Unfortunately ...
All you ought to be worrying about now is order (not about how to impose it on chaos, wish is the opposite of art, but about how to bring it out of chaos, which is art itself). And your worrying about this ought not to be a tortured thing - God knows...
I would like to see you come undone. When you're laughing so hard that your eyes crinkle at the corners and your hand comes up to cover your mouth, like you're trying to conceal a secret. When you are overcome with a sadness so deep that your shoulde...
Out of a hundred people: Those who always know better- 52 Doubting every step- all the rest Glad to lend a hand if it doesn’t take too long- as high as 49 Always good, because they can’t be otherwise- 4 maybe 5 Able to admire without envy- 18 Liv...