Comparisons are always welcomed when drawn in favor.
Writing is my passion, expression and an incessant obsession.
Indifference was our greatest enemy.
God transforms us one area at a time.
A moment with Jesus changed everything.
..holding a book but reading the empty spaces.
First of all, it was October, a rare month for boys.
Everything that happens before Death is what counts.
All that is important comes in quietness and waiting.
Humor was a good way to hide the pain.
A little imagination goes a long way in Fes.
The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.
Life without liberty is like a body without spirit.
Sometimes the wisdom of the elderly is equivalent to that of a child.
It doesn’t have to end, does it?” “I hope it never ends.
The greatest dream that we can have is to forget that we are dreaming.
Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose. - Durzo Blint
It had better be. It doesn't do much when it's soft.
No serviré a Dios como un obrero a la espera de mi salario.
Ha a könnycseppek képesek lettek volna félúton lecsordulva megfagyni, hát az övéi megtették volna
The perfect killer has no friends. Only targets.