The surest way to be alone is to get married.
It is my conviction that there is no way to peace - peace is the way.
Of what is concealed can also be revealed.
Good to evil seems evil
I need sex for a clear complexion, but I'd rather do it for love.
You'll always be the deepest scar on my heart.
One can have a wit, but not a witless
Love is a madness. Love is Failer - Durzo Blint
Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
When you're speaking Spanish, you're thinking in a different way.
The way people see you is the way you really are.
The surest way to make a monkey of a man is to quote him.
Entertainment is about the way things should be. Art is about the way they are.
All ballet galas are unbearable, but they're unbearable in different ways.
Different astronauts sleep in different ways.
I saw Islam as the correct way to live, and I chose to try to live that way.
We can always find creative ways to do things.
There is no "one" way to be a perfect leader, but there are a million ways to be a good one.
We're all strange in our own strange way.
What affects one in a major way, affects all in a minor way.
The way you make love is the way God will be with you.