Intelligence is often worshiped, even when that intelligence allows unfathomable injustice and suffering to occur under its smart watch.
Do not be a "go along, get along" person when it comes to the suffering of others. Integrity is not a popularity contest. Stand for love!
The success of a civil order should not be judged by its most affluent members, but by the standard of living of its poor.
Kindness always works with the most important person — YOU. Be kind for you, not others.
If you look at today through the eyes of the past, you can never see what the present moment has to offer.
You have to learn how to take care of yourself. Who you need, is you. It was always about and for you.
A person who is humble would never be abusive or selfish; so don't abuse yourself or withhold self-love or self-care.
When you commune with your ever-present inner calm, you are released from the madness and pain of all outer turmoil.
We are what we think about and meditate on. Look around people! America is a buffet of violence; a total immersion.
If your life is a miserable disaster, you might want to consider, that it's because you are doing something wrong.
The system wears a mask of civility, yet will quickly reveal its true nature in the form of magnificently-purposed violence when needed.
When is the last time your computer restarted you? Don't forget about nature. Recreation means to re-create yourself.
If you want more opportunities you have to become an opportunity for others. As you advance yourself your opportunities advance too.
People who are hard on others are usually very hard on themselves, and the pain they inflict on others is a reflection of the pain they inflict on themselves.
Maybe you receive pain selfishly — thinking only of yourself. The cycle of pain wounds every participant; both victim and aggressor.
We conform to pain until we don't notice it anymore; it's what you call — numb — and it tragically blots out our pleasure too.
Some people run from pain their whole lives, and what pain they do not digest they inflict upon others.
A person at peace can immediately recognize a consciousness in crisis, whereas those in crisis cannot fully understand themselves or others.
When you walk in peace you will literally see attackers shattering themselves against your inner-calm.
And if travel is like love, it is, in the end, mostly because it’s a heightened state of awareness, in which we are mindful, receptive, in dimmed by familiarity and ready to be transformed. That is why the best trips, like the best love affairs, ne...
The mind can be our best friend and advocate in getting what we want in life, or it can pull the brakes on and be a nasty little foe – the choice is yours – choose your attitude.