You never know the hurt others endure in this world behind the closed windows of their life, or the joy a simple act of kindness can bring.
Drinks heavily loaded with ice are reasonably effective, but the best way to cool down is to cuddle with a recently deceased person.
Dear family, I am drafting a new laundry protocol for better and more considerate usage of the washing machine
Marketers and executives are very different from the average consumer, so your instincts may mislead you.
Poor practices are blunting email marketing’s effectiveness and keeping its ROI from being truly awesome.
Investments in greater email marketing sophistication often lead to even higher returns, not diminishing returns.
The Four Agreements 1. Be impeccable with your word. 2. Don’t take anything personally. 3. Don’t make assumptions. 4. Always do your best.
I’ve fallen for the one person I shouldn’t have. For the boy who broke Mary’s heart. For Rennie’s one true love. For Alex’s best friend. It has to end here. Now.
When we inconvenience ourselves to make someone's day more enjoyable, we not only give them hope; we also become better people.
Just because you believed and it didn't work out your way or according to your timetable, does not mean that it's over.
Apart from new dreams, opportunities, love and blessings in new places, it’s God’s most earnest desire to give you a new life.
The key to changing your self-image is not to call yourself by the mistakes you’ve made or how people see you, but to call yourself the way God sees you.
Rather than just using where you are as an exit to your next season, choose to live life “on full” instead of “pushing-pause” till a better day.
Sometimes it takes more faith to stay in a place, be it in a relationship or a job that seems to be going nowhere than it does take faith to go somewhere else.
Nothing you ever go through will be wasted. The mountain top or valley experiences would all someway add up to bring colour to God’s plan for your life.
Live your life with courageous integrity. Do the right thing, not the easy thing.
To be happy, you need to do the right thing for you, even when it feels like the hardest thing in the world.
It’s easy to be brave when everything is going your way. When the going gets tough, it takes courage to follow the path you believe in.
Challenge your assumptions and identify your limiting beliefs. Every time you find yourself thinking that you can’t do something, ask yourself, ‘Why not?
Worrying about money is one of the biggest causes of unhappiness, but no amount of money can make you happy unless you change the way you feel about it.
Just because there are things you still want, that doesn’t mean you can’t feel gratitude for all the wealth and abundance already in your life.