Killing is decreed by law but nature loves eternal youth. Whatever she does, however unconscious and unfeeling the act, she seems to cry out: ‘Quick! Quick! Quick!’ And the more she destroys, the more she is renewed.
Oh, loe nggak perlu cemas. Meski para siswa di sini tidak begitu agamis, malah banyak yang terancam agnostik, tapi tak ada seorang pun yang terlalu kafir untuk beriman kepada Lucha Grande. Lagipula, siapa sih yang mau memiliki tuhan berwujud pegulat ...
Part of dealing with the sense of being cut off - for both the one dying and the one bereaved - is acknowledging that though a vital part of life has changed dramatically, all relationships (with friends, even with you, perhaps) have not.
Even if the two lovers are mature and experienced people who know that broken hearts heal in the end and can clearly foresee that, if they once steeled themselves to go through the present agony of parting, they would almost certainly be happier ten ...
A penis is a penis, but a hard-on is more like a message you send to other people. It’s a desire, not a body part.” Brandt swiveled his chair around to face Donnelly, “‘It’s a desire, not a body part’? What kind of fucked-up angry feminis...
It was such a strange tormenting feeling when your daemon was pulling at the link between you; part physical pain deep in the chest, part intense sadness and love. Everyone tested it when they were growing up: seeing how far they could pull apart, co...
The thought of abandoning his friend to save himself was never an option. He collapsed, pushing even closer to Raimie. Pressing his lips against his friend’s ear, he whispered, “As good a day to die as any.” He would defend them until his end.
People need hope Michael, as much as they need a leader. You and Gabe are the answer to both of those things. You’ll lead the people of earth to victory and Gabe will give them the hope they need to keep going,” Mirada said, her voice sensitive, ...
He stood and inhaled, then walked a few more feet, stooped, and prodded a chunk of rabbit fur. “I’m definitely thinking something with more body parts,” I said. “Like a head.” He gave a snort of a laugh. “It’s probably around here somew...
Berpikir ke depan, Kyu. Tidak semua hal seburuk kelihatannya. Kau harus tetap hidup, bertahan, demi orang-orang yang masih mempercayai adanya kebaikan dan harapan, setipis apa pun. Rasakan angin di sekelilingmu, angin yang dikirimkan Tuhan untuk meno...
Back in my day, which was about a week and a half ago, we took our lumps and we got back up and we cried like babies and quit and then put on weight.
Kiril." His name was but a whisper upon the wind, a sigh upon her lips. Her gaze silently begged him while her hands continued their magic upon his aching cock. As if he could deny her -- or himself -- the pleasure that awaited.
And I guess I'm the assignment that will put you right with your family?" "Yes." "It's no' going to happen, lass." She turned her head to him. "Then why did you bring me with you tonight?" "Something I've been asking myself.
From the pavement, I could see the window of Albertine’s room, that window, formerly quite black, at night, when she was not staying in the house, which the electric light inside, dissected by the slats of the shutters, striped from top to bottom w...
I try to tighten my heart into a knot, a snarl, I try to learn to live dead, just numb, but then I see someone I want, and it's like a nail, like a hot spike right through my chest, and I know I'm losing.
My mother used to say that rain here pours like a blessing, like a thick veil that parts to reveal the bride's face. But nearly every day, when this rain parted, it revealed a long line of soldiers, like you, like death, marching toward us, and we wo...
Recipe for a Worry Take one pound morbid preoccupation and mix vigorously with one cup overactive imagination. In a separate bowl, add one part hypersensitivity to three parts increased hormone activity. Fold together and let stew for hours on end.
Am I sitting here now, months later, in Los Angeles, writing all this down, because I want my life to matter? Maybe so. But I don't want it to matter more than others. I want to remember, or to learn, how to live as if it matters, as if they all matt...
Part of me would just like to relax and have one job that pays me the amount I need to survive. And another part of me wants the creativity that comes out of struggle and frustration and fear. It's a never-ending cycle, which must be how I want it, o...
C’est la nature avant tout qui doit nous inspirer car elle est la seule garante véritable de notre pérennité. Sans elle, aucun projet n’est assuré d’un lendemain.
The idea that their paths might have easily not crossed leaves her breathless, like a near-miss accident on a highway, and she can't help marveling at the sheer randomness of it all. Like any survivor of chance, she feels a quick rush of thankfulness...