The best index to a person's character is how he treats people who can't do him any good, and how he treats people who can't fight back.
At best we are but clay, animated dust; but viewed as sinners, we are monsters indeed. Let it be published in heaven as a miracle that the Lord Jesus should set His heart's love upon people like us.
I say if it's going to be done, let's do it. Let's not put it in the hands of fate. Let's not put it in the hands of someone who doesn't know me. I know me best. Then take a breath and go ahead.
The ocean was the best place, of course. That was what she loved most. It was a feeling of freedom like no other, and yet a feeling of communion with all the other places and creatures the water touched.
The best thing about this journey is I know I have it in me to keep going. Battle-tested, you know? Now, my heart laughs at the word 'quit'.
There is one thing you need to do to people who hate you for the way you are and what you do. What's that? The thing you do best. And that would be? Give them hell.
being honest to the people around you is the best thing you ever do to them,but expecting the same from them is the worst thing you ever do to yourself
The best way is to accept the reality for what you have rather than to run after or curse the reality for what you don't have.... Respect, love and care those who are with you !!!!!!!
Imitation is not inspiration, and inspiration only can give birth to a work of art. The least of man's original emanation is better than the best of borrowed thought.
People don’t treat a person actually wise by his capacity to give all suggestions good and nice, but by his capability to offer solutions to lies to make world better in the best interest of one and all.
ABC of a wonderful life: A man of the right ATTITUDE is GOOD; A man of the right ATTITUDE+the correct BEHAVIOR is BETTER; But, a man of the right ATTITUDE+the correct BEHAVIOR +an upright CHARACTER is THE BEST human.
Anyone who can say and do anything better than that already done or said anytime, anywhere and considered then the best, then it is good to state for him that he has a brilliant brain in his head.
It is always good to not hurry and better to never worry, but the best way to avoid hurry and worry on the life’s journey is to have no mental strain baggage and a very less hand baggage to carry.
A person’s own opinion is the best companion of his life, but first search it on web to ensure that it is truly his own and not others thrown or well known in one or other words form.
When a person starts sincerely analysing, he soon starts actually realising that there are always less people worth for his trust, but the best would be if he could himself be worth for the trust.
People can’t see a person’s vision unless and until it is translated into action, but always his version; so it is always better to have the best version and let the good vision reflect and radiate through it.
Your first draft is a petulant teenager, sure it knows best, adamant that its Mother is wrong. Your third draft has emerged from puberty, realising that its Mother was right about everything.
Bad friends are those who make you cry. Good friends are those who understand why you're crying. Best friends are those who do everything to stop you from crying.
So the books have a greater appeal to a British audience, but that hasn't stopped them making best-seller lists in places like Brazil, Japan and at least a dozen other countries.
I'm gonna take all my sadness, frustration, anger and energy and channel it into becoming the best possible student. I AM GOING TO BECOME A LEARNING MACHINE.