Money can't buy you friends, but you do get a better class of enemy.
That your friend is succeeding does not mean you are failing.
One of the difficulties in living the lifestyle I lead is that it is hard to get my friends in one place.
When I say 'friends,' I use that term loosely, as I don't actually have any.
The most valuable gift you can receive is an honest friend.
Was on my last leg, I couldn't even borrow my friend's extra peg.
By my senior year in high school, I was friends with every group.
If this is how you treat your friends, no wonder you have so many enemies.
My books are friends that never fail me." ( ; 17 March 1817)
All my friends are like, 'Can you be on my side in the zombie apocalypse?' and I'm like, 'I got this.'
My friends sometimes used to ignore me completely, and that would really upset me badly.
And you can't really cover people critically that you're friends with.
I don't even listen to hip-hop anymore. All my friends are white and over 40.
My friends always had bands, and we would play together.
A single rose can be a garden... a single friend, my world.
I don't really believe in cliques - I think everyone can be friends with everyone.
I used drugs as a social activity; a way to have fun with friends.
I'm not a social friend of the Reagans. That's by their choice and by mine. They don't drink enough.
I was the ladies' man in school. I always had friends; people looked up to me.
If your friend goes to a far place, that far place comes close to you!
How very wonderful friends the moon, the sea and the night are!