I rarely stay in hotels because I have friends all over the world.
All my friends were going off to be professionals, and I said I wanted to be an actor.
Choose thy friends like thy books, few but choice
I always assumed the Department of Agriculture was the farmer and rancher's friend.
There's no better friend to any merchant than a fair competitor.
I know my mother has always looked at strangers as friends.
Friends are like books, you learn from every one of them.
I could be the lone Eskimo, friend of whales and seals." The Panopticon
Jack Dempsey and I became friends in the very early 1920s.
Liberals are my friends, my colleagues, my social world.
You got nothing to lose. You don't lose when you lose fake friends.
David Bendeth was introduced to me by an entertainment lawyer friend.
I have lots of friends. I mix with all sorts of people, of all generations.
I have had friends for years who have never seen my house.
Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.
I think it is important to pass on the message to young people who are going through a difficult time with friends that it will pass.
I started practicing Yoga at about 18. I had a friend who was doing it and was incredibly disciplined and meditated all the time.
The '70s were a hot time. You know? I was, like, the most calm of all my friends.
Abe Foxman has been a friend and advisor of mine for a long time.
Most of my friends all tend to work in restaurants part time, doing acting classes on the side.
Often we have no time for our friends but all the time in the world for our enemies.