If I eat, I can't work. I'll eat when I'm dead.
The more my work improves or broadens or widens, the more surely I tame myself.
I laugh very hard at work every day.
I do think women generally are more humble.
I like my wine like my women - ready to pass out.
Next to music, beer was best.
The antidote to joy is dread.
The hallmark of our age is the tension between aspirations and sluggish institutions.
You want calamities? What about the Ice Age?
In the age of television, image becomes more important than substance.
I suspect you've noticed that making art can be lonely.
Art helped give me confidence.
The coming of the kids hasn't come out in my art yet.
Men talk about art, and artists make art, but should artists talk?
The body is your instrument in dance, but your art is outside that creature, the body.
The whole Modernist lie is that art is about the artist.
All water is holy water.
I make pictures and someone comes in and calls it art.
Best safety lies in fear.
Please tell me the truth about yourself.
Aren't maids the ultimate art critics?