As dismayed as Americans are with the influence of the special interests that finance election campaigns, they've been reluctant to embrace the alternative: taxpayer-financed elections.
When you're building a company, you need to continually strengthen every component - finance, strategic partnerships, executive team, and relationships with every last constituency.
In the long run, with profits from piracy greater than international finance mobilised to solve the problem, we can expect piracy to increase geographically and in sophistication.
You can be this super-successful woman who's smart and effective but still feminine. When I worked in finance, I didn't always think that was possible.
The number one lobby that opposes campaign finance reform in the United States is the National Association of Broadcasters.
Orrin Hatch is old enough to be my father, and I don't want my father running the United States Senate Finance Committee.
I worked with a group of people who argued day and night - professors, officials, the Minister of Finance - but there were decisions that I had to make.
The world is full of a lot of fear and a lot of negativity, and a lot of judgment. I just think people need to start shifting into joy and happiness. As corny as it sounds, we need to make a shift.
Well, the most terrible fear that anybody should have is not war, is not a disease, not cancer or heart problems or food poisoning - it's a man or a woman without a sense of humor.
The most terrible fear that anybody should have is not war, is not a disease, not cancer or heart problems or food poisoning - it's a man or a woman without a sense of humor.
There is no city or country in the world where women and girls live free of the fear of violence. No leader can claim: 'this is not happening in my backyard.'
A big fear of working with an actor that's never been a lead in a film before is that you're going to have to work really hard to pull a performance out of her.
It's famous that comedians have a very dark personal state of mind. I think, in my case, it's the same. The only way to get deep is to have a balance, or a counterbalance.
I was definitely not the kid that just wanted to be famous for no reason whatsoever and then happened to find comedy. Fame and all that stuff have always been slightly terrifying to me, and it makes me very anxious.
Nobody wants to end up super rich and famous - but divorced. I'm always clear on that and try to stay on the right side of the line.
I was born on October 21, 1956 in Burbank, California. My father, Eddie Fisher, was a famous singer. My mother, Debbie Reynolds, was a movie star. Her best-known role was in 'Singin' In The Rain.'
I've had to deal, a lot, with my own sense of intimidation at meeting famous people - especially actors, but really any famous people.
Being very famous is not the fun it sounds. It merely means you're being chased by a lot of people and you lose your privacy.
Forget about being world famous, it's hard enough just getting the automatic doors at the supermarket to acknowledge our existence.
Look at Jessica Simpson. She's famous for being dumb. I guess it started with Marylyn Monroe, and she actually wasn't that dumb, but that's how she was perceived - and that's what got popular.
There's always going to be that pressure when you're in front of the camera. When you're famous it's just an extreme version of reality and there's a pressure to look a certain way.